Small group worksheet Lecture Code:
Today’s Agenda Finish Old Quiz & Attendance Announcements Touch on Quiz #6 Small groups to do worksheet
Announcements Mini Project #3 – Part 2 due Tonight Quiz #6 due Tonight No HW over break! Get Started on Final Project Lecture Feedback Feature JavaScript Next
Quiz #6 Was hard. A lot of freedom for implementation Haven’t had much experience combining all concepts from class But good – now we can address lingering issues with XHTML/CSS this class Brief tutorial online: quiz_6 tutorial.pdf under Assignments section By brief I mean ~ 16 pages, but it is mainly examples of code.
What was up with the buttons? All 4 buttons on one image Why? Bottom set for :hover effect Less images means fewer images to load = faster! Since we’ll need all 4 images anyways we’ll just put them together on one file and just transfer one file How do we just display 1? Apply it to a block level element with height = ½ * height_of_image and width = ½ * width_of_image 30px by 87.5px, we round up to 30px by 87px 60px 175px 30px 87.5px
Buttons? HUH? O_o HTML CSS #gallery a { display: block; background-image: url(images/layout/gallery-buttons.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 87px; width: 30px; } #gallery-left { } #gallery-left:hover { background-position: 0 -87px; } #gallery-right { background-position: -30px 0; } #gallery-right:hover { background-position: -30px -87px; }
Centering a Div HTML CSS #centerer { text-align: center; } #toBeCentered { margin: 0 auto; width: 1000px; }
Small group worksheet Lecture Code: