Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Hester Viola
2 DBCP status Status of the Buoy network globally Monthly reports and maps GTS data dissemination Deployment opportunities JCOMM and the International context WMO – sustained observing systems Iridium Pilot Project
3 DBCP Global Network Status
4 DBCP Monthly reports Monthly static maps – MAP ROOM –JCOMM maps –DBCP maps of sensors, iridium buoys, delays and barometer buoys Deployment opportunities –Monthly to Buoy Quality Control feedback loaded into database
5 DBCP interactive maps Monthly - Daily - plus 7 day tracks JCOMM map -
6 Web Map Services Arctic Map Monthly - / /
7 GTS data dissemination WMO Global Telecommunication System used to disseminate data in real time. Details on Assistance from myself and CLS (Argos) to share data easily. Data checks: –Metadata and timeliness or –Data Quality control on and via monthly statistics
8 Deployment opportunities Argo Planning Map: Please: JCOMMOPS with new opportunities - research cruises, ships travelling up to the Arctic etc Plans(c)
9 Barometer Buoys JCOMM aims to have all buoys in high latitudes measuring Air Pressure Barometer Upgrades (SVPB) offered by drifting buoy manufacturers through financial support by the GDP (AOML)
10 JCOMM and the International context Two important meetings next year –Ocean Observations 09 –JCOMM III New JCOMM website Enter contact details
11 WMO Sustained observing systems WMO fully supports the ongoing efforts and research coming from the IPY Sustained Arctic Observing Network –3 workshops in total (3 rd one in October) – WMO Congress (Cg-XV, 2007) established a Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW).
12 Iridium Pilot Project Seeks to evaluate the feasibility of Iridium technology for real-time telecommunication of drifter data –under various conditions e.g. in wide temperature ranges, remote ocean areas and in rough seas, where the buoy will be frequently submerged DBCP funds used to “upgrade” 50 Argos buoys to Iridium ($500 each) to be deployed worldwide, to allow inexpensive access to Iridium Buoys Metocean Iridium Buoy NAL Research 9601 modem
14 Number deployed so far: 73 Number on GTS today: 44 –Australia 2 –India 2 –USA 3 –UK 3 –France 4 –ESURFMAR 30 Need buoys in the Polar regions, Pacific ocean and central Atlantic
15Findings Arctic buoys Transmission and data format Timeliness / delays Positioning Buoy and Transmission costs
16 Global Status May 2008
17 Iridium Buoys in the Arctic Météo France and SAMS both deployed Iridium buoys in the Arctic, and found: 1.Iridium drifters didn't report when the temperature was below -35C. SBD modem 9601 doesn't work below this temperature. 2.due to the cold conditions, the batteries drained faster than at mid-latitudes Meteo France Buoy in the Arctic
18 Data Transmission Example of received from Iridium with attached data in.sbd file From: To: Date: Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 9:11 AM Subject: SBD Msg From Unit: MOMSN: 1946 MTMSN: 0 Time of Session (UTC): Fri Jun 13 07:11: Session Status: 00 - Transfer OK Message Size (bytes): 17 Unit Location: Lat = Long = CEPradius = 4 SBMmessage.sbd attached Iridium transmission format (version 3.2) »
19 Data Timeliness Results (1) From E-SURFMAR Jean Rolland. 5th DB-TAG-Reykjavik – 20th May-21st May
20 Results (2)
21 Position For meteorological purposes, the Iridium Location is sufficiently accurate. (GPS not necessary) Less drain on the battery Less expensive
22 COSTS (€) SVP-BTRANSMISSION ARGOS2150 (15 x x365) = (Tax included) IRIDIUM SBD via Meteo France 2400 (13.30 x ,028x24x365) = 404, (Tax included) 1€ = 1,50 $