SET A Ganges River in India the entire river serves as a famous religious pilgrimage route for Hindus For Hindus, this river is the ultimate symbol of purity, and holds the sacred power to purify. All Hindus, regardless of their sects, believe in the sacred purifying powers of the Ganges. They worship the river by bathing in it, drinking its waters, praying to it, invoking it in oaths, and chanting its name. Of all these actions, sacred bathing is arguably the most important and the most widespread. Bathing in the Ganges has become an important part of a vast number of Hindu ceremonies and festivals. Even sacred statues of deities are bathed in the Ganges after being first created.
SET A The Himalayan Mountains The Himalayas stretch across the northeastern portion of India. They cover approximately 1,500 mi and pass through the nations of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan and Nepal. The mountains were formed by plate boundaries colliding which is known as convergent plate boundaries. Mount Everest at 29,029 ft. is not only the highest peak in the Himalayas, but the highest peak on the entire planet.
SET B Monsoons Monsoons are created from the different temperatures of the land and sea. When hot air rises in the atmosphere, cooler air is rushed in from the ocean to fill the gap. Monsoons are mainly active in Asia. Monsoons bring torrential rain to the area which causes major flooding. Bangladesh is so low lying flooding is a major issue in this country.
SET B Monsoons cause so much flooding that people have learned to adapt to their environment by building houses on stilts to help with the destruction caused by the flooding. Bikes and boats instead of cars Adapting to the Environment
SET C Religion in India Hinduism is the major religion in India. It actually has many gods and goddesses which is known as polytheism. India has other major religions but the majority of the population practices the Hindu religion.
SET C Indian Caste System Definition: A type of social organization/hierarchy in which a person’s occupation and position in life is determined by the circumstances of his birth. "Caste" is the term used to describe the complex system of social divisions that pervades life in India. Caste is an ancient hereditary system that developed alongside and became intertwined with Hinduism. How Caste System shapes society Rigid, hereditary membership into birth caste Marriage only among member of same caste Occupation choices restricted Personal contact with other castes restricted Acceptance of fixed place in society
SET D Pakistan vs. India India was separated into 2 countries of Pakistan and India due to border conflicts based on Pakistan being primarily Islamic and India being primarily Hindu In Kashmir today there is still major conflict between the Islamic Pakistanis and Indian Hindus. Who controls Kashmir: India 48% Pakistan 35% China 17%
SET D Population Growth in India World’s Population 1,220,800,359 (July 2013 est.) country comparison to the world: 22 Age Structure: 0-14 years: 28.9% (male 187,236,677/female 165,219,615) years: 18.2% (male 117,385,009/female 104,516,448) years: 40.4% (male 253,642,261/female 239,219,931) years: 6.9% (male 42,307,170/female 41,785,413) 65 years and over: 5.7% (male 32,992,850/female 36,494,985) (2013 est.) Population Growth Rate 1.28% (2013 est.) Birth Rate births/1,000 population (2013 est.) Death Rates 7.39 deaths/1,000 population (2013 est.) Infant Mortality Rate total: 44.6 deaths/1,000 live births Life Expectancy total population: years Fertility Rate 2.55 children born/woman (2013 est.)
SET E Cottage Industries Versus Commercial Industries Cottage industries occupy an important place in the economy of India. India is a predominantly agricultural country. About eighty per cent of our country’s population depends on agriculture. Cottage industries can provide them some gainful employment and add to their income. Goods are made at home and sold typically in flea markets. Commercial Industry are those that makes the finished goods, supplied by the manufacturing industries, available to the consumers. Transport, trade, commerce etc are the examples of commercial industries.
SET E Outsourcing
SET F Globalization The term Globalization refers to processes of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.
SET F Globalization and Pandemics
SET G Economic Activities
SET G Loss of Local Culture
SET H Imperialism and Colonialism Set up trading posts in India Great Britain considered India its most precious jewel (colony) in its Imperial crown British held all political and economic power British restricted Indian-owned industries Cash crops made it impossible for small farmers to produce enough food for themselves Racist attitudes of most British officials and missionaries threatened Indian traditional life Mohandas Gandhi= practice CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE
SET H Political Boundaries After Colonialism