Annual Conference 14 th October 2009 Chesford Grange Hotel Warwickshire
Agenda 10:30 Coffee 12:30 Buffet Lunch 09:00 The Kerrygold Co Ltd Case Study 09:45 Case Study – Shamrock Foods 11:00 Case Study – New Wave 11:45 Export Processes & Customs Integration
The Kerrygold Co Ltd Case Study
Case Study – Shamrock Foods
Coffee Break Re-start at 11:00 am
Case Study – New Wave
Export Processing & Customs Integration Customs Integration Export Processing & Customs Integration Customs Integration
Agenda 15:30 Close 13:30 Networking & Vendor Exhibition
Lunch Re-start at 13:30 pm
Networking & Vendor Exhibition
Just about done Conference review Graham Maxfield General Manager Movex User Association
Adoption of Annual Accounts Resolution 1 The members of the Movex User Association, hereby accept and adopt the Annual Accounts for the year 2008/9, as produced by our Accountants, Total Accounting Solutions, Lincoln on 14 th September 2009, at the annual general meeting of the company held on 13 th October Resolution No for; 0 against Hence the resolution is carried.
Election of Committee Members Resolution 2 The members of the Movex User Association, hereby elect in the three new committee members, as specified in section 5.5 of the MUA Constitution, at the annual general meeting of the company held on 13 th October Resolution No for; 0 against Hence the resolution is carried. Jane Lawton is elected on to the MUA Committee.
Amendment to MUA Constitution Resolution 3 The members of the Movex User Association, hereby elect Graham Maxfield as the Director of the Movex User Association, at the annual general meeting of the company held on 13 th October Resolution No for; 0 against Hence the resolution is carried. Graham Maxfield is re-appointed Director of the Movex User Association.
Amendment to MUA Constitution Resolution 4 The members of the Movex User Association, hereby agree to replace the word “Movex” with the word “Lawson”, and where appropriate the word “Software” is added, throughout the MUA Constitution, at the annual general meeting of the company held on 13 th October Resolution No for; 1 against Hence the resolution is carried.
Change the name of the Association Resolution 5 The members of the Movex User Association, hereby agree to change the name of the Association from “Movex User Association” to “Lawson User Association”, at the annual general meeting of the company held on 13 th October Resolution No for; 1 against Hence the resolution is carried.
Conference 2009 Conference close Thank you for attending Drive home carefully