Theme - “Diversity in Unity” Motion 1 - Unity between ELCSA (N-T) and ELCSA (Cape) ELCSA – Impact of Financial Position on Theological Training at UKZN and LTI in Pietermaritzburg Lutheran Church Centre in Bonearo Park Human Sexuality- Report of Theological Study Commission Church Law 2 – Clarify that a Dean may at the same time be Deputy to the Bishop Church Law 3 – Extension of Pastor after 12 years limited to 6 years Finance Financial Review Budgets Church Law 1 Motion 2 – Write-off of debt by Trinity Lutheran Church Zululand Congregation Motion 3 – Freezing of Interest on debt of DELP Preparation – Synod 15 to 18 October 2013 Theme - “Diversity in Unity” Motion 1 - Unity between ELCSA (N-T) and ELCSA (Cape) ELCSA – Impact of Financial Position on Theological Training at UKZN and LTI in Pietermaritzburg Lutheran Church Centre in Bonearo Park Human Sexuality- Report of Theological Study Commission Church Law 2 – Clarify that a Dean may at the same time be Deputy to the Bishop Church Law 3 – Extension of Pastor after 12 years limited to 6 years Finance Financial Review Budgets Church Law 1 Motion 2 – Write-off of debt by Trinity Lutheran Church Zululand Congregation Motion 3 – Freezing of Interest on debt of DELP Preparation – Synod 15 to 18 October 2013 Theme - “Diversity in Unity” Motion 1 - Unity between ELCSA (N-T) and ELCSA (Cape) ELCSA – Impact of Financial Position on Theological Training at UKZN and LTI in Pietermaritzburg Lutheran Church Centre in Bonearo Park Human Sexuality- Report of Theological Study Commission Elections Church Law 2 – Clarify that a Dean may at the same time be Deputy to the Bishop Church Law 3 – Extension of Pastor after 12 years limited to 6 years Finance Financial Review Budgets Church Law 1 Motion 2 – Write-off of debt by Trinity Lutheran Church Zululand Congregation Motion 3 – Freezing of Interest on debt of DELP Preparation – Synod 15 to 18 October 2015
The unity that we have in our one Lord Jesus Christ allows us to see diversity as strength rather than a threat. Our foundation is the unity in Christ. Based on this, the diversity shows that he is working in many ways and through many talents to build his kingdom. Structure All Bible Studies linked to Theme Group work but no feedback to plenary Presentation by some congregations as practical example of diversity in our Church Context for Report of Theological Study Commission On Human Sexuality “Diversity in Unity”
Combined Pastors Convention October 2012 Recommended far reaching steps towards closer cooperation ELCSA (Cape) Synod June 2013 and (N-T) September 2013 both adopted motion of “engagement in view of marriage” A task team was established preparing suggestions in respect of finances, laws and structures. The task team made a proposal to both Church Councils and Synods This information was disseminated via Bishop´s Post Unity between ELCSA (N-T) and ELCSA (Cape)
ELCSA Cape synod in May 2015 adopted the following Motion “Merger with ELCSA (N-T)” We agree in principle on a merger based on a common underlying Christian calling and tradition. Synod tasks Church Council to draw up a draft constitution and orders to be agreed upon in 2016 by the Church Councils of the ELCSA Cape Church and ELCSA(N-T). From 2016 to the 2017 synod, Church Council is to consult widely with the congregations on the principles and constitution. Synods of both churches, in 2017 to vote on the principles. In 2019 the churches are to agree on a final constitution and orders, leading to respective dissolution processes. ELCSA (N-T) synod needs to adopt the reciprocal Motion Unity between ELCSA (N-T) and ELCSA (Cape)
Clarify that a Dean may also be Deputy to the Bishop or the alternate Election of Church Council members – intent to limit each person to one role Dean is not part of Church Council – attends Church Council by invitation, without voting rights Rules of Procedure of Church Synod: Section 16 (5) (d) Motivation : When ELCSA (N-T) was founded, the deputy to the bishop had to be a dean amended to enable any ordained pastor in ELCSA (N-T) to be elected as deputy current formulation has been interpreted to mean that a dean can not simultaneously be deputy to the bishop, which contradicts the original intention Church Law 2 – Rules of Procedure of Church Synod
2011 Synod amended to One Extension of Pastor Term after 12 years service in a congregation Current wording of constitution open to interpretation Intention was one single extension The length of the extension was deliberately not defined 2013 Synod expressed dissatisfaction with extensions granted by Church Council Proposal: “The period of extension shall be determined, however shall not exceed 6 years.” the motion was properly submitted at the Synod 2013 but could not be voted on change of church law are required to be tabled prior to synod and the motions is herby tabled Church Council recommends that the length of extension is not capped The intent of the church is very clear to limit all roles (pastor and elected) to two terms Longer extensions are generally linked to retirement age of the Pastor a cap could lead to non-sensible decisions under particular circumstances Church Law 3 – Amendment of the Law on Pastors