Jewish Worship as Matrix for Christian Worship: Time Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Time Vocabulary: no general word for “time”, nor for “past”, “present”, or “future” –ayt = instant or duration of time during which something occurs –‘olam = immeasurable time, whether past or future (NOT the same as “eternal”) –mo’ed = “fixed time” (e.g., a festival)
Day (Yom) Usually calculated from sunset to sunset (Ps 55:17 = “evening, morning, and noon”), but could also refer to sunrise to sunset Domestic and Synagogal Daily Prayer –Dawn (Shema Israel + Shemoneh Esreh) –Dusk (Shema Israel + Shemoneh Esreh) –Afternoon (Shemoneh Esreh) Daily Prayer in the Temple –Morning (Holocaust: Exodus 29:38-42 ; 30:7-8; Numbers 28:2-8) –Evening/Afternoon (Holocaust)
Week (Shev’uach) Days numbered “first” through “sixth”, followed by “Shabbat” (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:10-11)
Month Yereach = “moon” / Chodesh = “new moon” New Moon = festival day (1 Samuel 20:5, 18, 24; 2 Kings 4:23; Isaiah 1:13-14) Full Moon = mid-month (festivals include Pesach/Massoth and Sukkot)
Year Nisan [Abib]March/April Iyyar [Ziv]April/May SivanMay/June TammuzJune/July AbJuly/August ElulAugust/September
Tishri [Ethanim]September/October Marchesvan [Bul]October/November ChislevNovember/December TebethDecember/January ShebatJanuary/February AdarFebruary/March