1 MSIS Taskforce on Sharing of Software and Methods Report and application of the GSBPM M.H.J. Vucsan ITDG oct 2008
2 Contents The taskforce and its mission Recommendations for MSIS Recommendations for ESSnet The GSBPM and its possible application
3 MSIS taskforce in context Conference European Statisticians MSIS (Management of Statistical Informations Systems) (UNECE + Eurostat/OECD) Taskforce on Sharing and Colloboration
4 Taskforce on sharing (and collaboration) Membership Canada (Karen Doherty, Italy (Carlo Vaccari), Netherlands(Marton Vucsan) (chair), Norway(Rune Gl ø ersen), United Kingdom(Jan Jones), Eurostat(Leonhard Maqua, Antonio Consoli), OECD (Lars Thygesen), UNECE (Steven Vale), UNIDO (Valentin Todorov).
5 Taskforce on sharing (and collaboration) Mandate (short) report on the scope and models for sharing statistical software, tools and components between different organizations. This report will also provide the Terms of Reference for an ESSnet to set up collaborative networks
6 Driving forces behind taskforce Eurostat and of statistics Eurostat and integration of statistics interoperability is getting to be very important (SOA, ESB etc.) Shrinking budgets... Open standards and open source are gaining momentum
7 Inhibitors for sharing (1) Business architecture mismatch – –Explicit or implicit – –Different production logistics Information architecture mismatch – –Data/Metadata conflicts – –Process incompatibilities Platform mismatch – –vendor lock-in – –SOA versus non SOA
8 Inhibitors for sharing (2) Information shortage: what is available and who to contact FUD: can this product be trusted, will it last for several years, support etc. Missing operational aids like contract templates etc. Licencing is difficult to understand Limited access to colloboration tools for developers
9 Mission of the taskforce Ensure long lasting attention and care (governance) to all initiatives on sharing and colloboration with respect to IT and architecture between members As a first step high level requirements for an ESSnet on common architecture and sharing of software. As a first step create high level requirements for an ESSnet on common architecture and sharing of software.
10 Report of the taskforce Strategic approach – –Use MSIS decision power as part of CES to facilitate sharing with manpower / funding. – –Establishment of MSIS Sharing Advisory Board Tactical approach – –Recommendations for an ESSnet to be carried out
11 Sharing Advisory Board Workhorse of MSIS Proposals for maintenance and follow up of the architecture task of ESSnet Proposals for maintenance and funding of shared software Review and report to MSIS on ongoing activities. 5 or 6 active members, membership 2 yr
12 Recommendations for ESSnet Common architecture outlines –Business/information/technical Inventory of existing shared software –To be used by Sharing Advisory Board Tools for cooperation –Information portal –Repository
13 Recommendations for ESSnet Common architecture outlines –Adaptable to change –Common integration rules –Support for Open and Propietary solutions –Modular itself –Integration of existing software –First step to strategic goal of interoperability and easy interchange of solutions
14 Now what about the GSBPM Adoption will harmonize the terminology and perception of the statistical process The modular nature of it will enable support of pluriform implementation Create a basis for sharing of methods and software Needs to be operationalized into a working Enterprise Architecture
15 Bridging the gap to IT Translate process view to layered view abstraction level driven Add layers down to infrastructure Here is where implementaion begin to differ Ensure strict isolation between layers Each layer its own meta? Possibly use Open Source methods and tools Archimate? (
16 Questions