FDOT TRANSIT PLANNING 2015 ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Diane Quigley, Transit Planning Administrator FHWA/FTA Statewide Assessment Meeting July 20, 2015
Annual Updates Transit Information Handbook Florida Transit Information System New year of NTD data Rural NTD data 2 annual trainings New and enhanced website
Annual Updates Transit Boarding and Estimation Tool (TBEST) GIS based ridership forecasting software developed for use in Transit Development Plans Parcel level trip generation, able to estimate ridership at the stop and route level Title VI mapping tool Accessibility measures 2 Trainings this summer
Recently Completed Projects Best Practices in Transit Performance Measures To assist Florida transit agencies in developing effective PMs Develop an inventory of commonly used PMs and data sources Develop a toolbox of PMs for monitoring agency performance Identify specific measures that may meet the requirements of MAP-21 Presented at TRB International Meeting in Denver Summer 2015
On-going Projects FDOT Lane Re-designation Process and Guidelines Built on Typical Sections for Exclusive Transit Running Ways Internal to FDOT Guidance for re-designating lanes on state roadways for exclusive transit purposes Includes sample operating agreements
On-going Projects Transit Signal Priority and Queue Jumping Workshop In coordination with Traffic Operations To identify issues and challenges in implementing TSP and Queue Jump lanes Fall 2015 Role of Transit Agencies in the Provision of Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Improve coordination among local agencies in providing access to bus stops Builds on the Access Transit Training and Handbook
Sharing Florida’s Experience Participated in a Domestic Scan for Transit Oriented Development San Francisco Washington DOT Annual Conference Presented at AASHTO Annual Conference TOD and Transit Design Guidance Michigan, California and Washington DOTs
5305 (d) and MPO Funding The Transit Office has distributed the 8/12’s apportionment and has made a projection as to what the 12/12’s will look like based on what has been passed already. Projections are risky since Congress has rescinded Section 5305(d) funds in the past. The Transit Office has received some Section 5305(d) grant applications for review. Based on review of grant applications, notice has been sent to the Districts that upon apportionment of the 12/12’s that a Category A letter will be awarded. No Category A letters for FFY15 have been distributed yet because the full apportionment has yet to occur.
FOR QUESTIONS see website at or please contact : Diane Quigley │ Transit Planning Administrator