IMP Visit July 10, 2013 Matt Hoff LBNL July 18, 2013
Bad cut-back machining Note the scribe line showing the cut-back angle
Vane cut-back repair #2 To be ebeam welded along the curved joint Vane cut-back repair #2 To be ebeam welded along the curved joint
The dropped and bent vane Bent like this
Adjustable tuners
Half length module with adjustable tuners and hoist rings
Temporary cut-back blocks
Adjustable end tuners RF spring slot
Flat plate used to bring the four vanes together
Bead pull set-up North side South side
Ebeam weld test pieces. Checking for good penetration. All the samples looked good.
Module 2. Note the RF port. Note the tapped holes on the side for bolting
Lifting fixture similar to our U- bracket design. Steel pallets for holding the vanes. Similar to what we showed them.
Note all the extra holes to bolt the vanes together for brazing Safety hazard?
Lifting brackets bolted to the copper to handle the rough machined vanes. The tapped holes are shallow. Not allowed at LBNL
A test RFQ with water lines