Digital and analogy media Cain Francis
Analog Analog device is usually a combination of both analog machine and analog media that can together measure, record, or reproduce (emit[disambiguation needed]) continuous information, for example, the almost infinite number of grades of transparency, voltage, resistance, rotation, or pressure. In theory, the continuous information (also analog signal) has an infinite number of possible values with the only limitation on resolution being the accuracy of the analog device.
Digital device Digital media are any media that are encoded in a machine-readable format.[1] Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on computers. Computer programs and software; digital imagery, digital video; video games; web pages and websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio, such as mp3s; and e-books are examples of digital media. Digital media are frequently contrasted with print media, such as printed books, newspapers and magazines, and other traditional or analog media, such as pictures, film or audio tape.
What's better analog or digital Digital is better because it more modern cause it got phones and consoles like Xbox 360/one and PS3/PS4
Example of digital Xbox one Xbox 360 Ps4 ps3
Example of analog Clock Mix tap Record player
Digital device A Xbox one is digital because it is computerised
Analog device A clock is analogy because because its not digital and its clock work