Italy and the Peace settlement Allies had promised land Italy did not get all the territories : Trentino, south of Tyrol, Istria and Trieste Did not receive any reparations Italy felt cheated Frustration : not rewarded fairly for their effort in the war
Mussolini- Background Initially socialist: Editor of Socialist newspaper Advocated anarchist ideas Attacked by socialist party in 1915 : change in beliefs Fascist party in 1919 Popularise the fascist movement ; public speeches 1922 : March on Rome
Mussolini – Prime Minister 31st of October : King Victor Emmanuel III makes Mussolini Prime Minister of a Coalition governement Fascist regime Left-wing parties were suppressed and in 1929 Italy became a one-party state
Reconciliation with the Vatican 1870: Dispute between Papacy and Italian Kingdom Mussolini and the Pope : Lateran Agreements on Febuary 1929 Treaty + Concordat + Financial convention Ends dispute between governement and the church Mussolini gains in power
Foreign Policy Mussolini wanted to establish a modern Roman Empire in the Mediterranean Wanted more territories: to acquire raw materials Expend the fascist doctrine + show national greatness 1923: Corfu incident 1924: obtained port Fiume ( treaty with Yugoslavia ) 1926: policy of infiltration into Albania 1935 : Invasion of Abyssinia
Dependance of the Nazis Mussolini declares war Adolf Hitler admired Mussolini’s achievements 1936 : non-military alliance Signed : Annexation of austria + dismemberment of Czechoslovakia + Pact of Steel Mussolini in Berlin
Declaration of War On June 10, 1940 Mussolini declared war on Britan and France Mussolini delays Italy's entry into the war 10 June 1940, he joins the Germans and declares war on the Allies Alliance seems advantageous. Mussolini's regime crumbled : the Italian army suffered defeat in North Africa, and the Allies invaded Sicily in 1943
Censorship and Propaganda Media controled by Fascist Newspaper-Radio-Cinema- Posters-Sport-Culture
Mussolini’s successes Industry Battle of Wheat Land Reclamation Public Works Program