Dana Rhodes
SunTueWedThuFriSat 301 Nov234 Progress reports Math Test History Project Essay English Turkey Break 23 Break 24 Break 25
1. Record all important dates and events including holidays, testing, progress reports/report cards, etc. 2. Record appointments and due dates for all assignments – use the syllabus from each class to do this. 3. Color-code different classes in order to make things easy to distinguish at a glance.
Transfer all information from monthly calendars to weekly/daily calendars at the beginning of every week and include weekly events and appointments. Create a “To-Do” list based on weekly/daily activities and prioritize!!
Keep the calendar/agenda at the front of the binder. Every day—either at the beginning or end of each class—record homework, upcoming assignments, projects, and tests. If there is no homework assigned in a class, write “no homework” in the space provided – create abbreviations like HW. Long-term projects or assignments should be recorded twice: the day they are assigned and the day they are due. When an assignment is finished, place a check mark next to it, but do not cross out.
At the beginning of each month, record upcoming academic, school, and personal responsibilities in your agenda. At the beginning of each month/grading period, record long-term/short term goals in your agenda. Use the space at the bottom of the agenda page to record your daily reflection, clarifying questions, and new goals. This space may also be used for communication with parents.
Parents are an integral part of your success and you should include them in helping you monitor yourself. Never remove pages from your agenda to show completion of activities. Instead, fold down the corner of the page or make a check mark next to the activity.
Your Binder Must Be a Priority
One of the most important tools for academic success is a neat, complete, and organized binder. Consequently, you should devote a large amount of time to preparing your binder at the beginning of each quarter or semester and maintaining it throughout the school year.
Your binder will contain most, if not all, of the materials needed for your classes. If a teacher requires a separate notebook for his/her class, keep this notebook in your binder. This will help you have the materials you need to complete assignments and prepare for tests all in one place. DO NOT use a separate Homework folder!! This can be lost and therefore dangerous.
Maintain Your Binder Add calendars, assignment sheets, and blank paper Make sure your Cornell notes and handouts are complete and arranged in order by date behind appropriate divider Hole-punch all papers (assignments, quizzes, etc) and place alongside information they pertain to
Following a test or the completion of a section in a subject area, remove all related papers from your binder and place in a folder. Write the topic/chapter on the folder/tab and keep the folder in a file box in a safe location at home. ( Note: Continue to add to this file box throughout the grading period. This will provide an Important resource when studying for tests/final exams.) DO NOT DISCARD WORK
A Giant Calendar for the semester is another great idea: using poster board, create a calendar for the entire semester and hang it in your room Add all important holidays, events, due dates, and more Color-code and create a key for easy reference This will lessen anxiety and aid in focus
Success can be achieved if you listen to me and use the key wisely