14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG1 Services and Patchpanels Installation Type IV installation Connector in situ work Status of PP3 Type II/III Testing
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG2 Status of Type IV Installation Type IV cables are delivered in double lengths with connectors installed at the PP3 end and pulled between the UX15 cavern and the US(A) halls US side completed (October) 2044 cables + spares USA side installation started more than a month ago Problematic Delivery –692 cables received so far Oct 20 (91 harnesses) & 26 Oct (155 harnesses) –Delivered as double harness but the total length corresponded to single cable length (mistake in the request) –Installation of the harnesses as single cable (246) almost one rack on level 1 completed –Test after installation between UX15 and USA15 more complicated –Connectors at PS side are cut and will be re-used by the company (part of it) Skipped one week because of delay on sending bobbins of raw cable from CERN Nov 16 (193 harnesses/386 cables) –Length is right (~100 m a piece) –All 386 cables (tested) are on hold for installation since TileCal cables are being installed and TC team is reduced but we are in line for installation Dec 9 (only 44 harnesses/88 cables) after a long period –No large delivery of new cables due to a weird technical problem at the factory –Expected complete delivery of harnesses in January Installation of type IV is on hold for the rest of the year and later on it might be interrupted by type ii/iii
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG3 Connectors in situ Double harnesses will be ultimately cut to length (1 meter extra for now) on the PS end and connectors will be installed in situ by an external company Tooling has been purchased to make prototypes and understand issues of this construction All cables in US15 have been cut to extra length and are ready to be worked on First rack (200 cables/connectors) completed early in July –Work performed by SEDELEC, subcontract of KontaktSysteme, that provides the double length cables –Many mistakes –All cables are fixed now (Petr) New Plan –Marzio helped finding a company to do the work –Nicolas Massol (TC) contact with companies –Worked with Petr Kubik (Prague) to discuss technical aspects and qualify samples –CPE(Italy) selected and contract has been signed 3 weeks ago Several meetings including a one full day at CERN with CPE senior engineers and phone conversations to improve their methods and define all the issues (cutting to length, tooling, plan, QC) –They are here (10 of them). The work will start this week Prague has produced feedthrough board for testing with PS crates
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG4 US(A) racks
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG5 Status of PP3 PP3 units are in production! –First 100 units were received in October –~600 production units arrived 2 weeks ago just arrived Testing –Shaun Roe (initially with Igor Ilyashenko and help from Pamela Ferrari and Ewa Stanecka for the setup) carries on the testing and burn-in. –60 units can be tested at the time (2 PP3 crates) with the current number of test cables available – 40 more cables are under construction –24 hours with monitoring continuity on all lines, while varying the dummy load so that the Vcc and Vdd currents go to zero and the full power supply voltage is seen on the PP3. –Voltage limiter test by applying 6V to each PP3 in turn (manually) –Didier Ferrere has also tested one PP3 with a module, again simulating the situation where the module loses the clock and draws no current, while observing Vdd and Vcc with an oscilloscope. He reports no voltage spike observed. –Plan to test the entire chain (modules/final cables/PP3/PS) in SR1 Installation –Cables are plugged in a few dummy Patch Panels during installation to be placed in the right (final) position and are tightened to horizontal bars –Cables will have to be all removed from the current position and plugged in by groups/rows when the installation of the real PP3 will occur –Ashley French and Scott Moncrieff (Melbourne) worked on assembly and installation –Estimated installation of 90 units per day (limited today by testing capability and problems) –4 PP3 crate have been installed so far –15 crates assembled (6 ready to be installed) Problems The plastic support feet of the PCB inside the metal casing of the PP3 had been broken in some cases and the PCB was therefore moving at one end – replaced and under investigation Ground contact between magnetic shields and/or strap holder due to the screw heads protruding above the surface Solution by applying kapton strips to cover screw-heads 6 crates have kapton strips need to decide if rework of 13 Plan for 2006 –Hopefully assembly and installation will be resumed in January with Ashley and Scott
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG6 Type II/III TC management: Nicolas Massol, Siggi Wenig and team Checks with INEO (St Genis)/Thurmelec (Alsace) –Pippa/Sandra/Pepe Bernabeu/Maarit White (prepare tables of lengths, QA of qualification samples etc.) –Martin Postranecky (will probably be checking samples of double harnesses at CERN – organization to be finalized) Installation of dummy PP1 and type II cables –Lars Erik Lindquist (Uppsala) & Neil Fletcher (Liverpool) – new technicians (will also get familiar with detector in SR1) –Andy Nichols, Janet Fraser, Jason Tarrant, Patrick Werneke to advise on installation/labeling of first examples Routine tests after installation –Sandra/Petr Kubik and shift crews Will install PP3s in racks to which type III cables arrive with highest priority PPB1 – need cable tray covers PPF1 – rather more parts needed. Cable clamp redesign by NIKHEF. Other parts on order via RAL.
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG7 Timescale for Type II Services Calorimeter has moved to z=0. Access to the cryostat is possible –ID requests should be via Nicolas Massol. Sector 5 (top) first – before end of the year (heater cables, and a few DCS cables) Sector 13 (bottom) – may also start before end of year Sector 3 – was supposed to follow sector 5, but is held up by problems with arches above detector and muon chamber installation Sector 9 – horizontal towards USA15 may be the first to be installed with SCT fibres and SCT power cables. This sector is complicated by the flexible chains. Sequence in a sector is: –Tubes, fibres, heater cables, SCT cables, (Muon chambers), –TRT cables, pixel cables
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG8 Sectors
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG9 Plan for Type II/III cables INEO/Thurmelec are at present making double length harnesses with type II cable and type II connectors on both ends. –Work is proceeding to schedule –Problems with raw cable quality so far – minor compared to type IV –Will need to order about 4km more type II (sector 9 longer) and 10-20km more type III (cables generally longer than expected) –First barrel cables (sector 3) will have the type II ends remade to reduce the tolerance on the strip back length to the JST/FCI connectors to 2mm (could be up to 7mm with the initial definition). Samples of the FCT (type III) connector have been qualified Need cable trays to be in place to measure lengths of type II/III harnesses with trial cables before FCT cables are trimmed and FCT mounted on type III ends Company will then take 2-3 weeks to do this type III work –Labels are defined and have been printed for sector 3 –Mapping is defined –First barrel dPP1 are at CERN and have been verified with production cables and the Ljubljana test box –Experts must verify that mapping is transferred to the cryostat bore
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG10 Testing Tester designed and provided by Ljubljana (Gregor, Erik) –3 Test boxes + 2 Laptops + test cables –Need more test cables which are “breaking” after so much use –Lots of problems during the last months but seem solved now Test steps (for Type IV): –Cables are tested at reception (acceptance test) –After being routed from UX15 to US(A)15 (uncut-double length) –After connectors are installed Test steps (for Type II/III) –Cables are tested at reception (only samples of delivered batches) –After installation row by row in the cable tray Shift planner (developed by D. Robinson) works very well for planning the activities and have people to sign up –(and contact me because of unexpected changing in rate delivery/testing problems) What is needed to be able to take a shift: 1)take the safety training course (level video in B55) Level 4 for working in US15 + Oxybox (we have them) If you have an AIS LOGIN (used for EDH documents), you can follow the course from anywhere (even outside CERN) with AIS login by accessing If you have no AIS LOGIN, you need to register at the following address 2)make the access request on EDH 3)get your safety boots & helmet (or borrow them)
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG11 Current Shift Counts ***shift hoped to be fulfilled based on core participation but adjusted for agreed shifts, difference between pro-rata and agreed shifts, and cable funding participation - shifts from "difference" re- distributed between AUS (1/3) Cern(1/3) and countries that had not already agreed participation (1/3 equally divided among 5 countries = 0.066)
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG12 PLAN
14 December 2005A.Ciocio - SCTSG13 LINKS Summary SCT Cables Web page – Mapping – Shifts – Safety courses –Level –Level 4: with AIS login Overall Safety and Health Procedure Document – Rack Wizard – ID installation Tuesday mornings, CRM (control room management) meetings Wednesday mornings ID/TC installation meeting December 05 TMB –