GXL Progress Report Susan Elliott Sim on behalf of Andreas Winter, Ric Holt, and Andy Schürr and the GXL Mailing List
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Overview GXL Concepts Standards Activities Partners Schemas Tools
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Key Concepts of GXL An XML sub-language for exchanging graphs Underlying data model is a typed, attributed graph –Analogous to databases using tables as underlying data representation Schema and instance data are represented separately –Analogous to distinction in databases Schema and instance data use a uniform representation
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// GXL 1.0 Released February 14, 2001 Ratified by reengineering community at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, January 26, 2001 Ratified by graph transformation community at APPLIGRAPH Subgroup Meeting, Bremen, March 1-2, 2001 In discussions with graph drawing community
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Standards Activities Cited in XML OASIS Cover Pages and XML.org’s XML Standards Report Plan to become an IEEE Software Engineering Standard In discussions with IBM and Daimler- Chrysler on usage and representation to OMG
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// GXL Partners Over 35 researchers in 9 countries –Germany, Canada, USA, UK, Hungary, Finland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil 62 subscribers on mailing list –47 full text, 16 digest only Being used in undergraduate software engineering course, U of Toronto
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Converters GXL reader/writer for Bauhaus Resource Graphs, U Stuttgart GXL2RPA, RPA2GXL, Philips, Eindhoven GXL2G, G2GXL, U Koblenz GXL2Progres, Progres2GXL, U Aachen GXL2Prolog, Nokia GXL2RSF, RSF2GXL, U Victoria, Nokia GXL2TA, TA2GXL, U Waterloo GXL2XMI, U BW Munchen GXL Converter Framework, U BW Munchen
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Tools and Applications Χ-check, Χ-table (model checking using multi-valued logic) U Toronto CPPX (C++ AST Extractor), U Waterloo Columbus/CAN (C++ Extractor and Analyzer), U Szeged ECW (Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench), U Edinburgh Fujaba (Roundtrip Engineering for UML diagrams) U Paderborn GenSet (simple graph transformations), U Oregon GRAS (Graph Data Base) U Aachen GXLQuery, U Koblenz GXLSchemaChecker, U Koblenz GXLSchemaEditor, U BW München lsedit, U Waterloo Royere (graph visualization), CWI Amsterdam TkSee/SN (fact extractor), U Ottawa UPGRADE (visual languages), RWTH Aachen Venice (UML visualization), Nokia yFiles (graph visualization), U Tübingen Tools mailto:
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Standard Schemas C++ Standard Schema –Ferenc, Gyimothy, Holt, Koschke, Sim, Winter, Riediger, Kullbach Dagstuhl Middle Level Model –Lethbridge, Tichelaar et al. Data Reverse Engineering Reference- Schema (DRE) –Jahnke, Mylopoulos, Wadsack, Hainault, Henrard Architectural Level?
WCRE2001October 3, 2001http:// Summary Lots of progress since last WCRE Starting to realize the benefits of tool interoperability Currently in “usage and feedback phase” More information – Comments, tool updates, change requests