Students explore content such as higher- order polynomial functions, trigonometry, inequalities, logarithms, conic sections, probability and statistics, and sequences and series.
DHS Website DHS Website Infinite Campus Infinite Campus Standards Based Grading Approach Course Materials Getting Help: Contact me, The ARC, Study Hub Have regular conversations about progress Refer to assignment sheets/Check IC Encourage student to contact me/Contact me
Standards Based grading measures your student’s mastery of the essential standards and targets for a class, or how well your student understands the material in class.
Provide more accurate/detailed feedback Build a model that values improvement Assign grades that represent a student’s level of mastery of the material covered in class
Feedback is given based on mastery of each learning standard, not by unit Grades are reported on a 4-point scale, rather than the traditional 100 point scale Students are allowed (and encouraged) to reassess learning standards that are not mastered on the initial summative assessment A student’s grade is based 100% on mastery of learning standards › Quarter grades will be calculated using a rubric based on a student’s mastery of each learning standard
4: Mastered Student has completely mastered the learning standard. 3: Approaching Student is approaching mastery of the learning standard. 2: Progressing Student is progressing toward basic understanding of grade level concepts and skills with assistance. 1: Emerging Student shows an emerging awareness of concepts and skills but still needs to develop an understanding of key components of the standard. I: Incomplete Student has not yet shown enough understanding to demonstrate any level of mastery.