Dr. Jeffrey Osborn AMSP Science Outreach Professor Biology, University of Kentucky
Outreach Professors Connecting K-12 Schools with Colleges and Universities
Science Outreach Connecting AMSP Regions with College/University Scientists PCC North South East Reg. Coord
Science Outreach Science Outreach Current Activities That Connect AMSP Regions with College/University Scientists Develop and Conduct HS Summer Science Institutes Develop Prototype Elementary-Middle School Summer Science Institutes Building IHE Partners for Partnership Enhancement Program (PEP) Development and Expansion of Inquiry Based Pre-Service Science Education Courses Target 2007: Initiate Early Science Testing Program and District Preparation for Science Testing Requirements of NCLB
Science Outreach Connecting AMSP Regions with College/University Scientists Science Outreach Years 3 & 4: –Successful Integration of College and University Resources to Partnership Enhancement Projects (PEP) –Expansion of Summer Teacher Institute Program with Increased University Participation – Increase Active University Faculty Participation in AMSP
Lewis County, KY PEP Goals and Outcomes Goal One: –Develop a “non-traditional” inquiry-based curriculum and appropriate assessments. –Course Examples: Physics/Astronomy/Biology: Intelligent Life in the Universe Biology/Chemistry/Earth Science: Biodiversity of Eastern Kentucky Physics/Engineering/Math: Robotics and Electronics
Lewis County, KY PEP Goals and Outcomes Desired Outcomes: –Decreases in: student failures in science courses –Increases in: student empowerment in learning science student contact with university personnel student enrollment in college student achievement on course assessments student achievement on CATS and ACT student understanding of fundamental science concepts.
Step One: Curriculum Design and Development Through Monthly LCHS Science Staff/IHE Scientist Meetings
Step Two: Pilot Curriculum Program Interest with IHE Faculty and HS Students
Step Three: Implement Curriculum & Assess Student Achievement (Currently Being Conducted)
Progress in PEP All science courses developed new inquiry components into all units. Assessment items were developed to gauge transfer of learning for the focus units. CATS data has just been released for this past year. Units and assessments will be shared with Bath and Rockcastle County High Schools this semester.
Goals and Outcomes Goal Three: –increase the number of LCHS students attending college and majoring in science –This REQUIRES Parent Inclusion (Goal Five) Desired Outcomes: –Increases in: students enrolling in college and in science majors science opportunities for low socioeconomic rural students assistance and opportunities for first generation college attendees awareness of opportunities for students in college and with science majors.
All Juniors Attend Full Day Math/Science Focused Visit to IHE
Fundamental Issues Facing Low SES Students are Confronted Opportunities Assisting College Success Are Presented
Future Progress in LCHS PEP Impacts of this initiative are expected with the graduating class. Special session for juniors through freshmen, parents and faculty with UK Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education regarding college expectations, preparation, and science careers added in Begin Implementation in Partnering Bath and Rockcastle County School Districts
Outreach Professors Connecting K-12 Schools with Colleges and Universities