Slide 1 Dual Credit in Illinois: Building More “On Ramps” to Degrees and Credentials October 8, 2008 Illinois Dual Credit Task Force Joel Vargas, Jobs for the Future
Slide 2 Jobs for the Future (JFF) For 25 years, Jobs for the Future has demonstrated its expertise in new pathways to postsecondary readiness and success through a series of activities and projects, including: – Early College High School Initiative – Partnership with Youth Transition Funders Group (High School Dropouts) – Lumina Foundation Achieving the Dream (Community Colleges) – Boston Public Schools, high school transformation
Slide 3 Benefits of DE/DC may be greater for underrepresented students Karp, M.M., Calcagno, J.C., Hughes, K.L., Jeong, D.W., and Bailey, T.R. (2007). The Postsecondary Achievement of Participants in Dual Enrollment: An Analysis of Student Outcomes in Two States. Community College Research Center, Teacher College. Columbia University: New York. (October).
Slide 4 DE/DC Practices: Building On Ramps to College for All Authentic college courses and credit Coherent sequence of courses leading to degree or credential Low/No-Tuition Support systems Alignment of K-12 and Postsecondary standards
Slide 5 College work is integrated into the high school course of study Supports for students underrepresented in higher education H.S. – College partners jointly responsible for curriculum development, students supports, alignment of standards, teacher development, etc. College work is integrated into the high school course of study Supports for students underrepresented in higher education H.S. – College partners jointly responsible for curriculum development, students supports, alignment of standards, teacher development, etc. Continuum of DE/DC Practices Early College Schools Dual Enrollment Pathways Traditional Dual Enrollment MORELESS
Slide 6 Supportive “On Ramp” Policies Purposes: On Ramp & Head Start to College Grades 9-14 Alignment/Feedback Loop Eligibility & Access QualitySupportsFinance DataGovernance
Slide 7 On Ramp Policies Eligibility & Access Course-specific prerequisites, not “all or nothing” Secondary & Postsecondary determine eligibility requirements Multiple ways to demonstrate readiness Quality Equivalent syllabus, work, assessments Kind & Number of Courses are Strategic Min. Instructor Qualifications Supports MOU Liaison High support pathways & Counseling Provisions for at- risk youth
Slide 8 On Ramp Policies Finance Hold Harmless Tuition for low-income students Allowable uses: texts, professional development, transportation Data Student-level DC & DE data Unit-record data, linked or shared across P-16 Analysis tied to state goals Regular reporting Governance P-16 Policy guidance Administrative structure
Slide 9 Observations & Questions about Illinois DE/DC Policies Data Governance Quality How to systematize best practice? Finance Eligibility & Access Supports, Opportunity, Awareness Accessibility for low-income students? Purposes Involvement of 4- year IHE’s?
Slide 10 State Examples How to systematize best practice? Data Florida (Longitudinal) Washington (PSE snapshot) Governance Rhode Island Florida Quality ICCB Utah Rhode Island
Slide 11 State Examples Accessibility for low-income students? Finance Pennsylvania Georgia (Scholarship) Supports Texas Pennsylvania Access & Eligibility Utah
Slide 12 State Examples Involvement of 4-year IHE’s? Purpose: Alignment & On Ramp Ohio: Seniors to Sophomores CUNY College Now
Slide 13 Federal Opportunities Fast Track to College Act – Early College & Dual Enrollment Pathways – State grants Gear Up – Permissible activities under HEA reauthorization
Slide 14 Task Force Goals 1.Ensuring Quality 2.Improving Access & Equity 3.Increasing Accountability through Data Collection and Evidenced-based Outcomes Questions for Illinois What purpose should dual enrollment/dual credit serve in Illinois? What can be done to systematize best practices? What can be done to support the participation of more low-SES and other underrepresented youth? What role can/should 4-year IHE’s play? What more would the Task Force need to know to answer these questions?