1 Action Plan Guidelines This is your working document What do you want to accomplish Who is going to do what When is it going to get done What resources did you see this week that you’d like to adapt for use What resources do you need for your plan Tell us what helped you most, what is missing, and what needs improvement As you work, post your Action Plan on the Ed Academy Community so that others may observe your work ( Save your presentation on this USB Memory Stick Please Title and name the file, identifying your location Do not write or save over the template, keep it for later reference A report out of accomplishments is due Nov. 15 Work with your Intel Education Manager to submit Note: sample completed Action Plans from 2009 are on the Intel website:
Intel ISEF 2010 Educator Academy May 2010 From Good to Great! Rogue Country of Gresham
3 High Level Goals To create a culture of innovation and research in the Gresham-Barlow Community Long term goals –Ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in an authentic research experience. –Celebrate research through Gresham-Barlow Science Expo: a community experience. –Develop and support a staff culture that embraces research. Short term goals –Provide professional development supporting teacher engagement and skills in facilitating student research utilizing Web 2.0. –All students grades 9-10 to complete a science research project with a total of 100 projects qualifying for the regional fair. –Partner with local business and the Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation to create local awards and partial sponsorship.
4 Year 1 Objectives At least four teachers from Gresham, two science teachers from Barlow, and one additional curriculum teacher from each building taking part in ongoing PLC. (12 hours per year) 100 projects at the regional science expo; 10 projects at the State Fair; one project at the ISEF in year one. Three or more community businesses committed up to $750. At least 10 members of the community participate in regional expo as judges. Increased number of students involved in ASE, summer research or extension opportunities. Develop credit by proficiency model based on scientific research project.
5 Action Plan – First Steps to Meet Our Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Meet with building and district administration to gain support and approval. They buy in, support us with.17 FTE for PDF developer and Fair Directorship. AllMay 2010 Secure fundingFunded!Steve and KathyMay 2010 Recruit TeachersMinimum number of teachers from each building agree. Steve, Kathy, Sam, TimJune 2010 Develop Professional Learning Community curriculum, including teacher handbook. Completed.Steve, Kathy, Sam, TimAugust 2010 Purchase teacher computers, set-up collaboration web site, (moodle, google docs, Intel) Completed.SteveAugust 2010
6 6 Action Plan – Next Steps to Meet Our Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Community Support: Solicit support for local awards at fair; Gresham Barlow Ed Foundation 3 Businesses support; GBEF grant $1000. SteveNovember 2010
7 Reflection on Intel ISEF Educator Academy Opportunity to partner with INTEL. Seeing student work. Global enthusiasm about science. –Favorite Shop Talks Theresa Clark. Plan, Investigate, Analyze, Communicate Culture of research –Missing Shop Talks Diverse schools, especially low SES. Gresham returns in