Agenda9/11/13 Do Now Display your name tag and log into your computer Pre-Assessment Test Info and Interests Syllabus and Course Expectations lOpening School
Agenda9/12/13 Do Now: Display nametag and log into your new SB students mail account – Agenda: Explore new school Explore Insight and Google Drive Create classroom folder Ice Breaker – 20 Questions Character Game Closure: What are some new things you learned today about Google Drive? Homework: Log into your school from home and your Google Drive
9/16/13 Do Now: Display nametag and log into your Google Drive account. Create a new folder titled, “Shared with Mr. Mendonez,” and save it in your 21st Century Computers folder.
Check…9/16/13 Have I logged into my new school account? Have I explored Google Drive? Did I create a classroom folder in my Google Drive account?
9/16/13 Agenda: Discuss Shared Folder Explore Wiki site Assign Word It Books Begin the Basics of Word Documents Homework: Memorize the Shortcut Keys from Activity 3 Closure: Was there anything new I learned about Drive or Word?
9. Save the document as Activity 1 – Likes 10. Save into your shared folder on Google Drive
19. Save the document as Activity 1 – Dislikes 20. Save into your shared folder on Google Drive
9/18/13 Do Now: Display name tags and Log into Google Drive and check For the comments I left on your Dislikes file.
9/18/13 Agenda: Headers and Footers Shortcut Keys Create a Party Invitation Closure: What are some shortcut keys you learned today? Homework: Memorize and practice using the Shortcut Keys
Do Now9/20/13 Grab your assigned book. Turn to page 6 and continue Activity 3 Shortcut keys up to step 4.
9/20/13 Agenda: Rename Folder Check Comments and Powerschool Check Wiki Site Shortcut Keys Create a Party Invitation Texting Phrases Closure: What are some shortcut keys you learned today? Homework: Study for Shortcut Keys Quiz on Tuesday.
Rename Folder to: Last Name – Shared with Mr. Mendonez
Save as: Activity 3 – Shortcuts Extra Practice
Do Now9/24/13 Open your Activity 3 Shortcut Key Extra Practice
9/24/13 Do Now: Study for Shortcut Keys Quiz Agenda: Study for Quiz Shortcut Keys Quiz Format Page Orientation Vertically Center Align Text on a Page Use Common Formatting Features Closure: What are the steps to change the orientation of a page on Microsoft Word?
9/24/13 Activity 3 – Shortcut Keys Extra Practice
Activity 4 - Extra Practice 9/24/13 Do Now: Create Mr. Mendonez’s Wedding Invitation. Set orientation to landscape and Make sure to vertically center align. Include the following: Rebecca Lee Darryl Mendonez July 26 th, 2014 Ceremony at 2:00 pm The Wilshire Grand Hotel West Orange, NJ Reception to Follow
9/26/13 Do Now: Create Mr. Mendonez’s Wedding Invitation Agenda: Set Default Font and Font Size Set Single Spacing Common Formatting Features Texting Phrases Closure: What are the new formatting features that I learned today?