Allen et al. (2005) Johnstone et al. (2000)
Oph B2 850 m continuum (JCMT) NH 3 (1,1) int. intensity (GBT) NH 3 emission shows excellent (but not perfect) correspondence with dust continuum emission Tracing Dense Core Structure with NH 3
Oph B2 850 m continuum (JCMT) NH 3 (1,1) int. intensity (GBT+ATCA) NH 3 emission shows excellent (but not perfect) correspondence with dust continuum emission Tracing Dense Core Structure with NH 3
NH 3 (1,1) in Oph B Only 20/48 hr observed so far, rest scheduled for October+ B1B1B1B1 B2 B3B3B3B3 Friesen et al. (2006, in preparation) Tracing Dense Core Structure with NH 3
NH 3 in Oph B, C & F Over next semester, will get more GBT and new VLA data: with (1,1) and (2,2) lines, will derive kinetic temperature across several Oph cores with opacity, column densities + NH 3 abundances with line widths, probe velocities; with T K, get thermal and non-thermal motions simultaneously, dynamics Tracing Dense Core Structure with NH 3
5 Rationales for a K-band FPA increase NH3 observing speed by >1 order of magnitude, map dense cores faster and with better sampling allow for more serendipitous discovery (early cores?) with wider areal coverage of maps maximize usage of “precious” K-band conditions at GB improve core statistics significantly with NH 3 follow-up of new Galactic surveys will provide crucial single-dish data for K-band EVLA projects Promise of a GBT K-band FPA
Gould Belt consists of SF molecular clouds within 500 pc including Orion, Taurus, Ophiuchus, Perseus, Serpens, etc. Grenier (2004) Gould Belt: 3D schematic Promise of a GBT K-band FPA
Orion Cepheus Flare IC 5146 Pipe Nebula Ophiuchus Taurus Lupus Serpens R CrA ~110 sq. deg. at A v ≥ 3 ~1000 sq. deg. at A v ≥ 1 Nutter (2005), after Cambrésy (1999)
New Local SF Surveys: JCMT Legacy Survey: using SCUBA-2/HARP to map Gould’s Belt clouds to A v = 1-2 in 450/850 m + lines, polarization in sub- regions (2006+)JCMT Legacy Survey: using SCUBA-2/HARP to map Gould’s Belt clouds to A v = 1-2 in 450/850 m + lines, polarization in sub- regions (2006+) Herschel GT Key Project: using SPIRE/PACS to map entirety of Gould’s Belt clouds to A v > 3 at 80/110, 170, 250, 360, 520 m (2008+)Herschel GT Key Project: using SPIRE/PACS to map entirety of Gould’s Belt clouds to A v > 3 at 80/110, 170, 250, 360, 520 m (2008+) Spitzer c2d2 Legacy: using IRAC+MIPS over GB clouds ( )Spitzer c2d2 Legacy: using IRAC+MIPS over GB clouds ( ) Herschel Space Observatory SCUBA-2HARP Promise of a GBT K-band FPA Spitzer Space Telescope
Infrared Dark Clouds: Extinction features in the mid-IR ~10,000 cold dust clouds seen in silhouette against warmer background dust. MSX 8 m continuum from Jackson (2005) Promise of a GBT K-band FPA
l = deg, |b| < 1 deg
New Galactic Plane Surveys: JCMT Legacy Survey: (JPS) using SCUBA-2 to map |b| < 1 (2006+)JCMT Legacy Survey: (JPS) using SCUBA-2 to map |b| < 1 (2006+) Herschel OT Key Project: (HiGal) using SPIRE/PACS to map |b| < 1 (2008+; not yet approved)Herschel OT Key Project: (HiGal) using SPIRE/PACS to map |b| < 1 (2008+; not yet approved) Spitzer Legacy: (GLIMPSE1, 2, & 3, MIPSGAL) ( ), using IRAC and MIPS over various ranges of lSpitzer Legacy: (GLIMPSE1, 2, & 3, MIPSGAL) ( ), using IRAC and MIPS over various ranges of l HI Surveys: (IGPS, etc.), high- resolution 21 cm mappingHI Surveys: (IGPS, etc.), high- resolution 21 cm mapping Herschel Space Observatory SCUBA-2 Promise of a GBT K-band FPA Spitzer Space Telescope
Summary: K-band FPA synergistic, unique data to other single-dish FPAs allow large surveys of NH 3 emission, yielding kinetic temperatures, column densities, and insight into the dense core dynamics; improve core statistics maximize use of “precious” K-band conditions in Green Bank provide crucial single-dish data for K-band EVLA projects in NH 3, CCS, HC 3 N, RRLs, H 2 O masers, etc. a 10 x 10 array could yield 5’ x 5’ full-beam coverage
Mr. KLEAN K-band Line Emission Array of Nrao