Question: What are the 3 ingredients needed to make a cloud? Answer: ……… Question of the Day Turn In Now: -Cloud Chamber Lab -p. 621 Understanding Concepts 1 – 7, 10, 11
What causes wind? a difference in air pressure between 2 places Moving air changes in pressure
Wind Map
Sinking (cold) Air Creates High Pressure Changes in Pressure Rising (warm) Air Creates Low Pressure
Air Always Moves from High to Low Pressure Gradient = difference in pressure
Moving Air is Called Wind!
Global Winds: Winds that blow steadily from specific directions cover long distances Stay the same over long periods of time Affected by the Earth’s rotation
The Coriolis Effect Northern Hemisphere things turn to the right Southern Hemisphere things turn to the left
Counter- Clockwise Rotation Clockwise Rotation Coriolis Effect
This is The CORIOLIS Effect
This is the CORIOLIS effect
The Coriolis Effect This is true for wind NOT for drains! IT IS ALSO TRUE FOR OCEAN CIRCULATION CALLED GYRES (more on that next semester).
Types of Global Winds Trade Winds – winds that blow from 30 0 North or South toward the equator. TRADE WINDS
Types of Global Winds Prevailing Westerlies: – winds that blow from West to East WESTERLIES
Types of Global Winds Polar Easterlies – Cold global winds that blow from East to West POLAR EASTERLIES
Types of Global Winds Jet Stream: – bands of high speed winds that are hundreds of km wide – Move around the poles and subtropics – Bring clouds and storms
Local Winds blow over short distances caused by unequal heating of Earth’s surface not affected by Coriolis Effect
Types of Local Winds Sea Breeze: Wind that blows from a lake or ocean to the land
Types of Local Winds Land Breeze: Wind that blows from the land out over a body of water
p. 621 Understanding Concepts #1 – 7, 10, 11
1.Around Los Angles, frequent temperature inversions are the result of cool, polluted air being trapped by… a. acid rainc. a thunderstorm b. a layer of warm aird. the ocean
p. 621 Understanding Concepts #1 – 7, 10, The __________ is the process in which the atmosphere traps warming solar energy near Earth’s surface. a. summer solsticec. greenhouse effect b. Coriolis effectd. water cycle 3.Almost all the water vapor in the atmosphere is in the … a. exospherec. strasopause b. ionosphered. troposphere 4.The addition of _________ to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels for cars, machinery, and power plants may lead to global warming. a. gasolinec. oxygen b. CFCsd. carbon dioxide
p. 621 Understanding Concepts #1 – 7, 10, CFC’s, chemicals that are used as refrigerants and propellants in spray can, are partly to blame for the reduction of __________ in the atmosphere. a.carbon dioxide b.oxygen c.ozone d. clouds
p. 621 Understanding Concepts #1 – 7, 10, Clouds from when water vapor in the air condenses as … a. the air is heatedc. snow falls b. the air is cooledd. snow forms 7.When air temperature drops, the air’s abilities to contain water vapor is … a. slightly higherc. about the same b. much higherd. lower
p. 621 Understanding Concepts #1 – 7, 10, ___________ are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal pressure. a. isobars b. isotherms c. highs d. lows 11.When a moving warm air mass encounters a mountain range, it… a. stops moving b. rises and cools c. slows and sinks d. reverses direction