Ancient Rome
Where was Ancient Rome? Ancient Rome was located on the continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Rome surrounded the Mediterranean Sea. Today, Rome is a city in Italy on the continent of Europe.
What was the land like in Ancient Rome? Ancient Rome was located on the Tiber River and near the Mediterranean Sea. Rome was built on many hills and had limited rich soil.
Roman Adaptations Like the Greeks, the Romans had to used terraced hillside farming to farm on the many hills. The Romans also traded traded with other countries using the Mediterranean Sea.
Life in Ancient Rome What did people do in Ancient Rome? Farmers Traders Road builders
Roman Architecture The Romans used arches in many of their buildings. The Colosseum is a famous Roman building. Aqueducts were large channels to carry water to the people of Rome.
Colosseum Many shows took place at the Colosseum. The Colosseum could be flooded for pretend naval battles. Gladiators fought.
Roman Art Like the Greeks, the Romans loved art. They made paintings, sculptures, and mosaics. A mosaic is a picture made from many tiny pieces of glass or stone.
Roman Government Rome was a republic and had a representative government. In a representative government, people elect (vote) a small group of citizens to make rules/laws for everyone in Rome.