Nazi’s Attack the Jews
Nazi Persecution of Jews Anti-Semitism Main “POGROM” Economic Boycott of Jews 1935 “ Nuremberg Laws ” –Lost Political Rights Nov 7,1938 Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) +1,000 m - 26,000 camps Refugees flee Germany: Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Thomas Mann
Poland & Russia (Eastern Europe) Einsatzgruppen (follow the Army) –Mobile Killing Units Ghettos – Roundups (Warsaw) Wannsee ConferenceWannsee Conference (1942) -Final Solution of Jewish problem “Death Camps” 6 in Poland- Genocide mil. - Auschwitz –6-8 million / 5-7 million War Crimes Trials –Nuremberg & Japan
Germans “BUND” Movement Japanese Americans -suffer the worst discrimination (west coast “fear” of spies and sabotage and acts of terrorism) INTERNMENT CAMPS -Nisei soldiers (17,000 join) *442nd won more medals than any other unit in U.S. History
GENOCIDE – STATE SPONSORED 17 GENOCIDE – STATE SPONSORED 16_____ 15 ATROCITIES EXCUSED 14_____ ENDS Justifies the MEANS 13 ENDS Justifies the MEANS 12_____ Extreme Measures 11 Extreme Measures 10_____ Conspiracy Theories 9 Conspiracy Theories 8_____ 7 Power Struggle (US v. THEM) 6_____ Superiority 5 Superiority (Race, Ethnicity, Tribe, Religion) 4_____ Difference Matters 3 Difference Matters (Race, Ethnicity, Tribe, Religion) 2_____ Define Yourself 1 Define Yourself by Race-Ethnicity-Tribe-Religion “small steps lead to HATE” Propaganda DRIVES the MESSAGE PATH of HATE and POWER
Nazi Persecution of Jews NAZIFICATION of CULTURE Anti-Semitism Main “POGROM” Economic Boycott of Jews 1935 “ Nuremberg Laws ” –NAZI RACIAL LAWS Nov 7,1938 Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) +1,000 m - 26,000 camps Refugees flee Germany: Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Thomas Mann
Poland & Russia (Eastern Europe) Einsatzgruppen (follow the Army) –Mobile Killing Units Forced Relocations (Ghettos-Warsaw) Wannsee Conference (1942) -Final Solution of Jewish problem Efficient Methods of REMOVAL –Assembly Line of DEATH S.S. Concentration Camps –Labor Camps / Sadistic Treatments
NAZI Concentration - Extermination
Labor Camps Medical ExperimentationMedical Experimentation –Dr. Josef Menegle ALL RESOURCES TAKENALL RESOURCES TAKEN –CLOTHING and other stuffs –GOLD TEETH –HAIR / SKIN
“Death Camps” Extermination Camps 6 in Poland- Genocide mil. – Auschwitz 6-8 million / 5-7 million
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Individuals are responsible for the actions they do during a war (can’t use the excuse - I WAS FOLLOWING ORDERS) Crimes Against HumanityConvictions for: Crimes Against Humanity JAPAN War Crimes Trials -“BATTAN DEATH MARCH” - Treatment of Prisoners & Civilians