My Italian Culture by: Lucas Martinez
My Family My great grandpa is Italian and my great grandma is too. My great grandpa is Italian and my great grandma is too.
Sicily They were both born on an island near the coast of Italy, Sicily. They were both born on an island near the coast of Italy, Sicily.
Grandpa John My great grandfather Martin Stella, and great grandmother Kay Consiglio, moved from Sicily to the United Sates as children. They met in Michigan, married in Ohio in 1941, and had one son, John Baptist Stella. John is my grandpa. My great grandfather Martin Stella, and great grandmother Kay Consiglio, moved from Sicily to the United Sates as children. They met in Michigan, married in Ohio in 1941, and had one son, John Baptist Stella. John is my grandpa.
My grandpa and my mom
Superstitions Italians believe that Malocchio the evil eye should be avoided, and that is why Italians don’t put peacock feathers in their home because it has the evil eye Italians believe that Malocchio the evil eye should be avoided, and that is why Italians don’t put peacock feathers in their home because it has the evil eye
Superstition in Italy continued When a cat sneezes it is good luck to everyone who hears it When a cat sneezes it is good luck to everyone who hears it
Another Superstition in Italy After somebody dies you should cover up all the mirrors in your house After somebody dies you should cover up all the mirrors in your house
Superstition in Italy Italians think it’s bad luck to not have their baby baptized Italians think it’s bad luck to not have their baby baptized
Superstitions Continued Italians fear the number seventeen because in Roman Numerals it’s XVII, which can be changed to VIXI, a Latin phrase that means my life is over. Italians fear the number seventeen because in Roman Numerals it’s XVII, which can be changed to VIXI, a Latin phrase that means my life is over.
Superstition in Italy You should never call an Italian baby beautiful because it could bring evil to the baby and to save it you have to make a horn sign. You should never call an Italian baby beautiful because it could bring evil to the baby and to save it you have to make a horn sign.
Contributions to the World from Italy Italy was a part of the Renaissance, and they were a culture that helped bring education and art back after the dark ages.
Contributions Continued Contributions Continued Some of the world’s best art comes from Italy. Leonardo da Vinci created the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo sculpted David, and Raphael painted religious scenes. Some of the world’s best art comes from Italy. Leonardo da Vinci created the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo sculpted David, and Raphael painted religious scenes.
Another Contribution: Carnivals Italians also came up with carnivals. The carnival of Venice is very famous. Carnivals are held before Lent, the time before Easter when people sacrifice. From Italy, carnivals spread to other Catholic nations. Italians also came up with carnivals. The carnival of Venice is very famous. Carnivals are held before Lent, the time before Easter when people sacrifice. From Italy, carnivals spread to other Catholic nations.
Italian Contributions to the World One of Italy’s greatest contributions to the world is it’s food, such as pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, and cannolis. One of Italy’s greatest contributions to the world is it’s food, such as pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, and cannolis.
Spumoni is a traditional Italian dessert. In my family, we have a traditional family meal on Sundays and serve some of these foods. My favorite food from Italy is pizza. Italian Food and Family
THE END THE END Now time for…… Now time for…… Italian ice cream cake {Spumoni} Italian ice cream cake {Spumoni}