THE PASSIVE Millions of people speak Spanish. Forma attiva Forma passiva Spanish is spoken Simple present BY millions of people. Verbo essere al presente (am/is/are) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE – positive form Japanese cooks make the best sushi. The best sushiismadeBY Japanese cooks. Simple present My family loves me. Iamloved BY my family. J. K. Rowling writes a lot of books. A lot of booksare written BY J.K. Rowling.
THE PASSIVE – negative form Italian cooks don’t make the best sushi. The best sushiisn’t made BY Italian cooks. Simple present My family doesn’t love me. I‘m notloved BY my family. My sister doesn’t write many books. Many booksaren’t written BY my sister.
THE PASSIVE – interrogative form Do Japanese cooks make the best sushi? the best sushi Is made BY Japanese cooks? Simple present Does my family love me? AmI loved BY my family? Does J.K. Rowling write many books? Aremany books written BY J.K. Rowling?
THE PASSIVE Columbus discovered America. Forma attiva Forma passiva America was discovered Simple past BY Columbus. Verbo essere al passato (was/were) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE – positive form Manzoni wrote The Betrothed and The Fifth of May. The Betrothed and The Fifth of May werewritten BY Manzoni. Simple past A ball hit me yesterday. Iwas hit BY a ball yesterday. A mad fan killed John Lennon. John Lennonwas killed BY a mad fan.
THE PASSIVE – negative form Leopardi didn’t write The Betrothed and The Fifth of May. The Betrothed and The Fifth of May weren’twritten BY Leopardi. Simple past A ball didn’t hit me yesterday. Iwasn’t hitBY a ball yesterday. Mafia didn’t kill John Lennon. John Lennonwasn’t killed BY mafia.
THE PASSIVE – interrogative form Did Manzoni write The Betrothed and The Fifth of May? The Betrothed and The Fifth of May Were written BY Manzoni? Simple past Did a ball hit me yesterday? IWas hit BY a ball yesterday? Did a mad fan kill John Lennon? John Lennon Was killed BY a mad fan?
THE PASSIVE other tenses
THE PASSIVE The bricklayers are building a new gym. Forma attiva Forma passiva A new gym is being built Present continuous BY the bricklayers. Verbo essere al present continuous (am/is/are being) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE The bricklayers have built a new gym. Forma attiva Forma passiva A new gym has been built Present perfect BY the bricklayers. Verbo essere al present perfect (has/have been) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE The bricklayers will build a new gym. Forma attiva Forma passiva A new gym will be built Modal verb BY the bricklayers. Modal verb + BE (will/can/should be) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE The bricklayers should have built a new gym. Forma attiva Forma passiva A new gym should have been built Modal verb al passato Modal verb al passato BY the bricklayers. Modal verb + HAVE BEEN (will/can/should have been) Participio passato +
THE PASSIVE The thief was arrested two days ago. The Berlin Wall was demolished in Two banks were robbed last week. Some mistakes were made in the test. Spesso si usa quando non si specifica chi compie l’azione. Parmesan is produced in Italy. English is spoken here. A lot of bikes are stolen in Padua every day. ‘Often’ can be pronounced in two ways.