Protecting Dark Skies AN ONGOING PROGRAM OF DILIGENCE AND EDUCATION IN BORREGO SPRINGS CALIFORNIA Presented by Dr. James Hoban Rickard, Member Borrego Springs Dark Sky Coalition
Dark because of surrounding mountains, and lack of freeways.
Borrego Springs, winter residents = 5000
Borrego Springs is also known for its large metal sculptures by artist Ricardo Breceda
Borrego Springs at night. About 20 million residents of Southern California and Mexico
Eastern Horizon
Western Horizon Note the band of Zodiacal Light extending from the horizon to the Pleiades.
Attending a meeting from my summer home in Ireland via Skype
Non-conforming Outdoor Light Dark Sky Friendly Light
Shielded Lamp Unshielded Lamp
Have Happy Neighbors!
Two Very Glaring Lights on Local ATM
Simple shielding to cut off sky glow and glare
Glare substantially reduced
Street lamp glare reduced by simple modification
PROGRAM: Established by the Borrego Springs Dark Sky Coalition, this program recognizes businesses and organizations in the Borrego Valley that have night sky friendly outdoor lighting, and encourages others to follow suit. GOAL: The goal is to protect and preserve the treasured natural resource that is the starry nighttime sky of Borrego Springs, recognized in 2009 as a Dark Sky Community by the International Dark Sky Association. The program encourages the practice of responsible outdoor lighting. VOLUNTARY PROGRAM: Participation is entirely voluntary. Any business or organization in the area is eligible. 1
CRITERIA: A business or organization can qualify for recognition as “Night Sky Friendly” by eliminating sources on their property of: Skyglow – light emitted into the sky, interfering with the view of the stars; Glare – excessive brightness produced by outdoor lighting; Light Trespass – light falling on other properties, irritating neighbors And pledge that future outdoor lighting installed on its premises will conform to the criteria above. PLEDGE: I (we) do hereby promise to protect and preserve the treasured natural wonder that is the starry night sky of Borrego Springs by practicing sound outdoor lighting management with the goal of reducing light pollution. 2
Borrego Springs Medical Center Recipient of Night Sky Friendly Award this year 2013
When a business performs a modification of its outdoor lighting, the Dark Sky Coalition presents it with a Certificate of Merit.
Thank you. Enjoy the dark night sky!