Definitions – just to remind! CategorySampleLocationEngineData Collection Cohort IndividualsNot fixedSurveyRepeated Panel HouseholdsNot fixedSurveyRepeated LCS* CommunityFixedHDSS**Continuous ** Health & Demographic Surveillance System * Longitudinal Community Studies
INDEPTH Network Defining characteristics of INDEPTH sites A geographically-defined population under continuous demographic monitoring with timely production of data on all births, deaths, migration events and associated health indicators
INDEPTH Network Prospective monitoring of demographic and health events
INDEPTH Network Prospective monitoring of demographic and health events Verbal autopsy for cause of death Capturing episodes of disease and hospital admission Measure characteristics of environment or household members (e.g. SES, vaccines, HIV, nutrition) Intervention trials (randomised)
Areas of unique contribution Impact of interventions Behavior change, its causes and consequences Changes in household poverty/wellbeing Aging and life cycle changes Intra and inter household allocation Burden of disease and epidemic transition….