When was he born? He was born in 1451.
When did he die and how? He died in 1506 He was 54 years old He died 2 years after his last voyage He died in Spain He had a strange illness called Reiter's Syndrome
Where was he born? Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy
Why did he want to travel? He knew that China had many good things for them. He wanted to find a quick way to get there so they could do trade
Which country did he travel for? He sailed and traveled for Spain
How many ships and their names? He had 3 ships. 1. Santa Maria 2. Pinta 3. Nina
Voyage #1 He left Spain on August 3, 1492 The Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña were his ships Problem 1: No wind so had to stop for 1 month Problem 2: Santa Maria hit a reef and sunk – had to leave 40 people behind Discovered Americas
Voyage # – found Virgin Islands, Leeward Islands and Puerto Rico Went to get 40 men that he left behind on 1 st voyage but they were dead Found Jamaica and Cuba while searching for Gold and for China Problems: He became very sick and wind was too much
Voyage #3 Goal: Get supplies and find land in the south Problem: no wind People very angry with him because he did not find much gold. They sent him back to Spain
Voyage # He believed that the Indies was Asia. Problem: Huge storm, 2 boats sunk, stranded in Jamaica for 1 year
Discoveries and Mistakes He found out that the earth was bigger than he thought. There was no short cut to Asia He discovered that there was the Americas between Europe and Asia He is the reason for travel, European trade & Americas!
EXIT CARD. DO NOT WRITE THE QUESTIONS. JUST THE ANSWERS! 1. When & where was he born? 2. When did he die and how? 3. What were the names of his boats? 4. How many voyages did he go on? 5. What was one problem that he has while traveling? 6. What was his biggest discovery?