Thailand – Stabilität und Wachstum - German Technology Symposium & Exhibition (GTS05), Bangkok - Wirtschaftstag Thailand, Berlin 23 September 2005 Dr. Paul Strunk, Hauptgeschäftsführer German-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Kingdom of Thailand 514,000 square km, pop. 63.5 million GDP per capita (PPP): US$ 7,100 (ca. 26% of Germany) [source: UNDP, 2004] GDP total (PPP): US$ 478 billion [source:CIA, 2004] Large and modern. Very fast economic growth Top market and investment location
Source: NESDB
Source: EIU, September 04
External debt reduced from 94 per cent of GDP to 33 per cent of GDP (Q1 05). Reserves equal total debt and cover four times short term debt
Source: NESDB, June 05
Source: NESDB, June 05
Source: NESDB
Source: NESDB, June 05
BOI approvals double in value in 2003 and rise by another 49 per cent in 2004
Source: UNCTAD, 2004
BOI approvals rise by 26 per cent in value in Jan – Jul 2005 vs BOI approvals rise by 26 per cent in value in Jan – Jul 2005 vs. Jan – Jul 2004
How attractive is Thailand for investors How attractive is Thailand for investors? partly from BOI Investor Confidence Survey, September 2002 Strengths: stability relatively low cost (workforce and infrastructure) market size (local + AFTA + FTAs) geographic location + air travel hub good infrastructure good investment incentives diversified industry and trade partner structure motivated, big, reasonably skilled workforce quality and reliability of local suppliers Major weakness: out of fashion (but starting to change)
Source: JETRO, Survey of investment related cost, March 2003
Source: JETRO, Survey of investment related cost, March 2003
Source: JETRO, Survey of investment related cost, March 2003
Source: JETRO, Survey of investment related cost, March 2003
Political & Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) 2002 report “Thailand’s people are some of the most hospitable in the world, and it is hard not to feel comfortable in the land of smiles”
Key industries and sectors for investment from a GTCC view: automotive components chemicals + plastics diverse manufacturing (German investment,e.g., in packaging, optical lenses, shower cabins, butterfly valves, household appliances, compressed air pumps, construction machines, electronics) agro-industries education, R+D, certification, calibration diversified industry structure allows for diversified investment