In the name of GOD
The heart Terminology Definition Position Chambers Layers External features Internal features Coverings Vessels Nerves Imaging Surface anatomy
The heart : Terminology Heart Cor- Cardiac & Cardio-
The heart : Definition A hollow muscular cone located in the middle Mediastinum, covered with a fibro-serous covering (pericardium) which acts as a double-pump
The heart : Position Depends on age, sex, stature, respiration & posture Over the diaphragm (central t.) Located in the middle Mediastinum thus: Behind the meso-sternum 2 nd to 6 th costal cartilage T4-T8 vertebrae
The heart : Position 1/3 in right, 2/3 in left Conical shape lies obliquely in the chest lies at 45 degree angle about size of enclosed fist
The heart : Position Conical shape thus: An apex & A base
The heart : External features 4 surface A base An apex 4 border Sulci AV (coronary) Inter-ventricular Inter-atrial Sub-epicardial Fat Auricles
The heart : Position Apex: in left 5 th space medial to mid-clavicular line Apex beat: PMI=point of maximum impulse Apex is in ant., inferior & left
Conical shape
Apex & Base Base____________ Apex _________________ Note: A position other than the anatomical position
___Apex Base________
4 Surfaces Anterior (Sternocostal) Left Inferior (Diaphragmatic) Right Base (posterior surface)
Anterior (Sternocostal) surface RA (& right auricle), RV & LV (a part of ) From LA only its auricle Sulcus AV (coronary) : right part Ant. Interventricular Pulmonary trunk (emerge from RV ) Aorta (its origin from LV Is phantom) Outflow tract SVC & IVC
AnteriorAnteriorAnteriorAnterior SurSurFFaceaceSurSurFFaceaceF
AnteriorAnteriorAnteriorAnterior SurSurFFaceaceSurSurFFaceaceF
AnteriorAnteriorAnteriorAnterior SurSurFFaceaceSurSurFFaceaceF
Inferior surface 4 chambers All sulci Crux of the heart All veins & arteries
Inferior surface (Crux of the heart)
Right surface RV RA (& auricle) AV sulcus 2 pulmonary veins Outflow tract SVC & IVC
Left surface LV LA (& auricle) AV sulcus 2 pulmonary veins Outflow tract
Left surface
4 Borders of the heart Right Left Inferior superior
The heart : Chambers Two Atrium (Atria) Two Ventricles Divided from each other by septa & valves Septa: between similar chambers Valves: between different chambers
External features Four chambers 2 atria 2 ventricles Auricles Major veins Superior & inferior vena cava Pulmonary veins Major arteries Aorta Pulmonary trunk
External features
Anterior (Sternocostal) surface
Chambers of the Heart – Two Atrium (Atria) Right and Left (RA & LA) Divided from each other by interatrial septum (internally) & sulcus (externally) Divided from ventricles by atrio- ventricular valves (AV valves) (internally) & sulcus (externally) Receiving chambers Each has an auricle
interatrial sulcus
AV sulcus
Chambers of the Heart - Ventricles Right and Left (RV & LV) Muscular walls Pumping Chambers Separated Internally by Interventricular Septum Externally by Interventricular Sulcus
Inter-ventricular Sulcus
Inter-ventricular septum & Sulcus
Interventricular Septum Actually belong to LV because: 1- Its thickness 2- Its continuity LV is circular in section RV is crescent in section 3- Its function Contracts toward the lumen of LV
Interventricular Septum
The sulci Filled with fat Cardiac vessels lies between these fat And the pericardium smoothen their surface
Sub-epicardial Fat Function smooth surface Its not a energy source unless The end stages of fasting
Fat____________ Sulcus_____
If the fat removed Major Coronary vessels appear Which lies in the sulci
A pump in which the apex move toward the base
The heart : Internal features Atria Smooth surface Rough surface (pectinate muscles) Ventricles Smooth surface Rough surface (trabeculae carnii)
Internal features of RA
Atria Smooth surface Rough surface (pectinate muscles)
Internal features of RA
Internal features of RV Boundary between Smooth & Rough areas
Ventricles Smooth surface Rough surface (trabeculae carnii)
Rough surface Ridge Bridge Papillary muscle
Papillary muscle
Dirctioon: Why?
Some myocardial bundles end at Papillary muscles
Internal features of LV
Aortic vestibule
Internal features of LA
Interventricular Septum A thick muscular portion A membraneous portion: Interventricular part Atrioventricular part
I m p o r t a n c e