Course Overview and Introduction Critical Incident Peer Support for Law Enforcement
Course Goal To train law enforcement personnel to be able to offer support, or psychological first aid, to their fellow officers. 2
Course Overview Introductions Instructor/participant contract Course outline Module objectives What to expect—Warning! 3
Introductions: Participants Name Agency Position Experience Learning goal for this course How you heard about this course 4
Course Outline Introduction Module 1:Stress and Critical Incident Stress Overview Module 2:Principles of Critical Incident Peer Support Module 3:Responsibilities of a Critical Incident Peer Supporter Module 4:Intervention Strategies 5
Module Objectives The student will be able to: ▫Distinguish between stress and critical incident stress. ▫Identify the main principles of critical incident peer support ▫Explain the responsibilities of a critical incident peer supporter. ▫Employ one-on-one intervention techniques following a critical incident. 6
Instructor/Participant Contract Active participation Group activities Shared experiences Risk taking Asking questions Confidentiality of information shared during class 7
What to Expect – Warning! Some of the things you will see and hear in this course will be disturbing. You may be reminded of wounds that are not healed. Ask for help if you need it. 8