P5 Meeting - Jan. 28-29, 20031 US LHC The Role of the LHC in US HEP Dan Green US CMS Program Manager January 28, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC The Role of the LHC in US HEP Dan Green US CMS Program Manager January 28, 2003

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHCOutlineOutline US LHC - Physics and Technology US Construction Projects - Leadership US LHC Planning for the Physics – The Research Program (RP) SoftWare and Computing (SWC) Maintenance and Operations (M&O) LHC Long Term Program – LHC Upgrades and Physics Reach.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC Physics - Priority HEPAP Subpanel on Long Range Planning Report puts a high priority on the Physics of the LHC (all quotes in this talk are from the Subpanel Report).

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC - SM Higgs The LHC detectors are designed to find the SM Higgs. Low mass is covered by , ttH(bb), qqH(WW*,  ). A low mass Higgs has many accessible decay modes  couplings measured.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC - SUSY HEPAP Subpanel Report recognizes the importance of the SUSY search at LHC. Mass coverage up to ~ 3 TeV -> either prove or disprove SUSY hypothesis. Energy matters! One month at 1/10 design luminosity extends mass reach by a lot. LHC experiments must be ready on “week one” for new Physics.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC – Computing Grids The IT tools developed for LHC physics analysis are and will be vital to the advancement of global science. Grid computing will make a major impact in many areas of business and commerce. The leading role of LHC was recognized in the HEPAP Subpanel Report.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US and the LHC Accelerator HEPAP Subpanel Report recognizes that LHC accelerator work in the US (BNL, FNAL, and LBNL) sustains the enabling technology of future accelerators.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC – Education and Outreach US LHC is very active in Education and Outreach work. Examples are Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), Research Experience for Teachers (RET), and Quarknet (third year, 36 centers in the US)

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US Role in the LHC Program The US is investing 531 M$, plus the efforts of many talented HEP physicists, in the LHC. The NP community may soon join. US physicists have achieved leadership roles in detector construction (e.g. R. Loveless – CMS ME), software and computing (e.g. D. Stickland – CMS SWC), and high- field superconducting quadrupole construction. It is essential to capitalize on that investment by ensuring that US physicists also play a leadership role in the analysis and publication of LHC data.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US Leadership in ATLAS, CMS HEPAP Subpanel Report recognizes US leadership and the need to sustain it during the Research program.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC Construction Projects The 531 M$ investment has been wisely used. The Projects are on schedule (for 2005 ~ completion) and on budget. The US LHC Projects are progressing steadily toward completion.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC U.S. ATLAS Institutions

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC Scientific Effort on ATLAS US ATLAS effort will ramp up by a factor ~ 2 by FY07 in anticipation of first LHC beam

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US CMS 387 Members from 38 Institutions The US community is about 20 % of the entire LHC collaborations and is the largest single country within the collaborations. The US LHC collaborations are large and will continue to grow as the time for first beam approaches.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC and the RP US CMS has made a survey of intent. It appears US CMS will grow by a factor ~ 2 by FY07. In addition, new groups will join before first beam.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC and US Demographics There are ~ 2000 HEP physicists (DOE+NSF), ~ 1500 experimenters. US LHC is presently ~ 300 and would need to redirect to ~ 600 grad students + postdocs + faculty. The US LHC community will be a substantial fraction of US HEP accelerator based experimenters by first beam.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC Planning for the Physics The LHC schedule has slipped ~ 2 years. The US has maintained its schedule to complete in ~ SWC has already begun because U.S. physicists contribute to insure participation in the physics. The involvement is driven by the desire to do physics on day 1. In addition, considerable time is required to create and deploy the new, absolutely necessary Grid architecture. M&O has begun as needed in order to commission detector and accelerator systems built and delivered by the US. Again, we want to commission the detector to be ready for physics (for example a SUSY search) immediately after beam arrives.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC Physics in the US In US CMS, planning is in place for a “collaboratory” or virtual laboratory. Elements are Virtual Control Room (commissioning, shifts) and Physics Analysis Center ( teleconf, analysis groups). This support goes directly and solely to US HEP physicists.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US CMS M&O Estimated Personnel Needs Note the roll off of construction and the ramp up of M&O starting in FY05. BaBar Reality check – eng + techs

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US ATLAS - Tier 1 Facility Staffing

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC Accelerator BNL – FNAL - LBNL The Construction Project is completing. The collaboration proposes to apply their expertise to LHC machine commissioning. Also they propose to develop Upgrades to extend the performance and physics reach of the LHC. These efforts give forefront research opportunities to US accelerator physicists and possibilities to extend US leadership in state-of-the art- accelerator technology, e.g. SC magnets.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC Accelerator Research Program (RP) The US national labs have made a significant investment in and are making a significant contribution to the construction of the LHC. Leadership in IR design and construction Boost to accelerator technology at US labs. We should exploit and extend this investment by continuing the collaboration with CERN into commissioning, operating, and doing R&D for upgrades for the LHC program.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC US LHC Accelerator RP The RP includes design of new IR for a high luminosity upgrade of LHC. The US labs are uniquely positioned to take an early lead in R&D for high performance Nb 3 Sn quads. The quads to be delivered in 2005 were designed in For a 2015 installation, design and R&D should begin no later than 2005 and be complete by 2011.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC U.S. ATLAS Research Program US ATLAS has made resource loaded schedules for M&O, SWC, and Upgrade R&D. That planning leads to the US ATLAS RP Needs shown. The current cost estimates exceed the funding guidance – or budget authority - from DOE and NSF (BA) shown for comparison.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC Cost Estimates for the RP The US LHC community has carefully estimated and scrubbed the costs for the Research Program. The US ATLAS + US CMS + Accelerator community estimate that more than 80 M$ support is needed in FY07 and beyond. Present planning within the guidance provided in the Budget Authority delays R&D for upgrades, slows the SWC ramp up, and reduces the contingency fund to a level which limits management agility.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC HEP Funding DOE HEP funding is ~ constant at ~ 700 AY M$. The US LHC community, a large fraction of all US HEP accelerator based physicists, requests of DOE ~ AYM$ for US ATLAS, US CMS and the LHC Accelerator RP. From NSF the estimate is AYM$. Clearly the LHC is a great bargain.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC Research Program - Upgrades HEPAP Subpanel Report gives strong support to LHC Upgrades. The present Budget Authority makes strong Upgrade R&D impossible in a timely fashion. Note that an upgrade is a very cost effective way to maximize the Physics output of the pre-existing LHC complex

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC Upgrades The guidance – or Budget Authority - on RP funding means we must delay Upgrade R&D. Additional U.S. funds will also be needed after the R&D to upgrade the LHC and its detectors if the U.S. is to provide its appropriate share.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC P5 and the LHC RP Construction Projects Research Program R&D in support of Upgrades P5 Prepare TDR for major Upgrade of LHC and/or detectors

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC Physics and Upgrade In general mass reach is increased by ~ 1.5 TeV (25 %) for Z’, heavy SUSY squarks or gluinos or extra dimension mass scales. A ~ 20% measurement of the HHH coupling is possible for Higgs masses from ~150 to 200 GeV. However, to realize these improvements we need to launch the necessary accelerator R&D and maintain the capabilities of the LHC detectors by upgrading them in a modest fashion.

P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHCSummarySummary The Physics program available at the LHC is absolutely first class – with discovery potential and precision measurements possible. The technical edge given by advanced detectors, high field magnets and grid computing enables the LHC program and its US participants to stay on the frontier of our science. US physicists are in leadership positions in the LHC. This is made possible by the DOE/NSF investment. The gains realized from US investment are, and will continue to be, a great bargain. In order to realize that benefit, there must be sustained attention to the Research Program. Strong participation in the Physics analysis and Upgrades are crucial if the US is to maintain its leadership.