STARTER 1. Laura and Rebecca are taking GCSE PE because they enjoy PE. They have been influenced in the sports they like by others. Give 3 examples of how they could be influenced by people into taking part in sport. (3) 2. Which of the following is a correct statement in relation to Sport England’s ‘Start, Stay, Succeed’ objectives? a)Start – plan so that every child starts the school day with physical activity to increase participation and improve health. b)Start – increase the number of adults who start their day with exercise. c)Stay – aim to keep officials working in sport so that development costs are reduced. d)Succeed – create opportunities for talented performers to achieve success.
Topic Exercise and Fitness Health, Exercise, Fitness and Performance
Learning Objectives... By the end of this lesson should be able to… Define health, fitness, exercise and performance Relate the above to the five components of health-related fitness and specific activities
The Importance of Exercise Exercise is a vital component to improve health and allow a person to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The flow chart below shows how health, exercise, fitness and performance are linked: HealthExercise FitnessPerformance
Health “A state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health can be improved by taking part in exercise as it builds up fitness levels. Regular exercise will develop your immune system and improve your quality of life.
Exercise “A form of physical activity which maintains or improves health and/or physical fitness.” Health problems have increased in the last 100 years in the western world despite the vast improvements in healthcare. This is down to a decrease in exercise. Hypokinetic diseases which include heart disease, high blood pressure and back pain have risen at a vast rate, all because of a lack of exercise in individuals. These can be relieved by regular exercise participation. Exercise is known to relieve stress and tension and not just improve fitness levels.
Fitness “The ability to meet the demands of the environment.” The first question you should ask yourself is ‘fit for what?’ Being fit means you are able to cope with the demands of your daily activities e.g. work, school, college and home life. To ensure you do not suffer from excess strain you need to have the required fitness through a regular exercise programme. Performance “How well a task is completed.” Performance is judged on how well you compete to the best of your ability. At every level, players must exercise to keep themselves fit and enhance their performance.
Working in small groups, produce a response to the question: “Can you be fit but not healthy?” Task – Discussion
The 5 Components of Health Related Fitness (F.B.M.M.C) To improve fitness and performance, the five components of health related fitness need to be developed. They are the base that allow us to stay physically fit and healthy. Flexibility Body Composition Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Cardiovascular Fitness You need to know: the definition activities linked to the component how it is tested
Flexibility Definition:“The range of movement possible at the joint” Key Information:Often neglected, extremely important to practice and can help to reduce injury Sports/Activities:Yoga – can be performed by all ages Badminton – needed to reach shuttle Gymnastics – perform complex shapes/positions
Using your textbook, complete the information relating to the final 4 components of HRF. Remember to include definition key information 3 examples of sports that demonstrate/require that specific component Task – Key Information Extension Task Make a note of your favourite activity and list the relevant HRF components in order of importance. Explain how each one is needed.
Plenary:Exam Questions 1. Long distance runners need high levels of muscular endurance for their event. Explain the term ‘muscular endurance’. (1 mark) 2. As a result of adopting a healthy and active lifestyle, an individual may improve aspects of health related exercise. Which if the following is not an example of HRE? Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, power, muscular endurance. 3. Use the picture to explain: 2 components required, how first component is used in the activity.