Game Tuning Workshop SiSSYFiGHT 3000 GDC 2004
Game Tuning Workshop Overview SiSSYFiGHT simulates a schoolyard fight between little girls. Each girls begins with 10 Self-Esteem chips the and goal of the game is to reduce your opponents self- esteem to zero. When there are only one or two players left with any self-esteem, they win the game.
Game Tuning Workshop Setup Each player starts with: 1.Three “Action” cards 2.Six “Target” cards 3.Ten chips. Everyone should pick one of the six colors.
Game Tuning Workshop Rules Each Round: Everyone picks an “Action” and a “Target” in secret. Reveal cards simultaneously, then resolve actions. All communication must be public. When you run out of chips, you’re out. When one or two people are left, they win.
Game Tuning Workshop Observations?
Game Tuning Workshop Aesthetic Breakdown What are the aesthetics of SiSSYFiGHT? In other words, what kinds of “fun” does it deliver? Can we come up with aesthetic models?
Game Tuning Workshop Discussion What other settings, genres or subjects might fit this game?
Game Tuning Workshop Exercise Choose a fictional genre and/or setting that might fit this game.
Game Tuning Workshop Exercise Choose a fictional genre and/or setting that might fit this game. Adapt the game to your chosen subject matter.
Game Tuning Workshop Exercise Choose a fictional genre and/or setting that might fit this game. Adapt the game to your chosen subject matter. Keep in mind the aesthetic qualities we identified in the breakdown.
Game Tuning Workshop Exercise Choose a fictional genre and/or setting that might fit this game. Adapt the game to your chosen subject matter. Keep in mind the aesthetic qualities we identified in the breakdown. How can the rules of the game be changed to best support your fiction?
Game Tuning Workshop We will reconvene after lunch. (2:00) Feel free to take supplies with you, but PLEASE return them. Don’t forget to sign up for an elective in C1.
Game Tuning Workshop Welcome Back! Finish your designs. Take some time to playtest. If time permits, share your designs with another group.
Game Tuning Workshop Discussion Let’s compare solutions. What different approaches did we take?
Game Tuning Workshop Discussion How did the game dynamics support your subject matter? Were the game dynamics and the subject matter ever in conflict? How did your choice of subject matter influence your process?
Game Tuning Workshop Any Final Observations?
Game Tuning Workshop Coffee! After the break, pick a different classroom to go to. Classrooms are C1, C3 and C4