WORKING CONDITIONS INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You want to work for your partner’s company. You have come for an interview to negotiate working conditions Try to get the best possible conditions. Talk to your partner (the company’s boss) B You need new employers. You are interviewing a prospective candidate (your partner) for the job. You are short of money and need to negotiate the conditions.
WORKING CONDITIONS MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE You are given a choice between: A satisfying job with an average salary OR A well-paid job involving stress, responsibility, few days’ holiday Explain which one you would choose and justify your answer.
WORKING CONDITIONS MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE If you were looking for a job, what would be the most important conditions for you to accept it? Think about : pay time off working hourspressure holidayspromotion working from home Which conditions would be the least important for you? Why?
JOB INTERVIEW INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You are unemployed. You go for a job interview and answer the questions the employer asks you. You are eager to find a job, so you decide to be “creative” in your answers. B You are trying to find the best candidate for a job. You interview this candidate and like his/her CV and experience. But you feel that he/she may be lying and you insist on double-checking his/her answers asking for more detail.
JOB INTERVIEW MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE Tell about your experience at job interviews. Tell about the moment, your feelings, the interviewer’s attitude… Give details on the job conditions and the negotiation. Tell about any compromising questions or any “creative” answers.
JOBS MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE State the pros and cons of this question: Would you rather have a satisfiying job with an average salary or a very well-paid job,but involving a lot of stress, responsibility, a few days’ holiday, not spending enough time at home, little time for family /friends …? Think of different types of jobs to illustrate each of them and adjectives to describe them.
JOBS MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE JOBS CONDITIONS What are the three most/least important conditions for you? Support your opinions with some reasons. You can also add your own ideas. -Flexibility -Possibility of working from home -Company car -Travel expenses paid -Holidays -Good salary…