The State of Ohio is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of ADA Services. Performance Criteria As of 06/30/2011As of 12/31/2011Percent Change State Funds Awarded $1,095,815,956$1,138,599,5603.9% State Funds Expended $764,415,366$847,122,24614% Cost Share Expended $1,260,438,871$1,308,566,5673.8% Leverage Received $6,601,214,423$7,312,753, % Leverage Ratio* (Goal 3.5:1) 8.6:1 - Direct Jobs Created 13,39014,5688.8% Total Direct and Indirect Jobs** 79,46488,87411% Companies Created, Capitalized or Relocated % Average Salary $62,969$61, % Cost Per Job*** $57,086$58,1501.9% Ohio Third Frontier Performance Metrics * Leveraged dollars to state funds expended (does not include any cost share). ** Metric based on multiplier from 2009 SRI Report, Making an Impact: Assessing the Benefits of Ohio’s Investment in Technology- Based Economic Development Programs. *** State funds expended/ direct jobs created.
Ohio Third Frontier Awards State funds awarded Dec 11: $1.13B Number of grants Dec 11: 421
Ohio Third Frontier Leverage Ratio 3.5 : 1 equals Biomedical Research and Technology Transfer Commission, and Ohio Public Expenditures Council estimated leverage Dollar value of leverage is $7.3B Goal = 3.5 : 1
Ohio Third Frontier Funds Expended & Leverage Expenditures: Dec 11: $847M Leverage: Dec 11: $7.3B
Ohio Third Frontier Direct & Indirect Jobs Goal equals value estimated by Ohio Public Expenditures Council. 14,568 direct jobs. Types of direct jobs: Prod/Mfg: 23% R&D: 50% Admin/Other: 26% Job Creation Goal = 96,000
Ohio Third Frontier Leverage by Category 36% 3% (S) 9% 26% 18% 8% 33% 9% 27% 21% 1% (L) 7% 31% 9% 28% 23% 6% 31% 8% 28% 24% 5% 31% 8% 26% 5% 1% (L) 3% (S) $3.43B $4.1B $4.7B $5.3B $5.9B 28% 7% 28% 26% 6% 1% (L) 3% (S) $6.6B 26% 7% 30% 28% 6% 1% (L) 3% (S) $7.3B
Ohio Third Frontier Company Creation/Capitalization/Attraction Companies reported that have since ceased all operations in Ohio: 81
Ohio Third Frontier Average Salary & Cost Per Direct Job Created Average salary of direct jobs created is well above state average salary $40,128 Average annual salary exceeds cost per direct job created
Ohio Third Frontier Funds Awarded by Sector Biomedical ($402) Advanced Energy ($192) Instruments, Controls & Electronics ($103) Advanced Materials ($205) Advanced Propulsion ($39.9) Funds ($179) IT awards by June 2010: $13.7M
Ohio Third Frontier Funds Awarded by Sector/Region Biomedical Advanced Energy Instruments, Controls & Electronics Advanced Materials Advanced Propulsion Funds Awards Per Region: Northeast: 189 Central: 100 West Central: 51 Northwest: 35 Southwest: 34 Southeast: 8 Total State Funds Per Region: Northeast: $494M Central: $282M West Central: $130M Southwest: $118M Northwest: $87M Southeast: $25M
Grand Summary of Statistics Program Name State Funds Awarded State Funds Expended Cost Share ExpendedLeverage Received Jobs Created / Retained Companies Created/Attracted Leverage Ratio Cost per Job Created Average Salary Biomedical Research Commercialization Program $151,769,922.96$140,890,197.91$247,305,014.47$932,453, $84,415.94$70, Engineering Research Commercialization Program $81,677,370.00$75,320,646.80$91,131,369.24$319,854, $117,413.32$64, Wright Centers of Innovation (Biomedical) $87,302,967.00$85,216,102.46$183,401,014.55$441,698, $112,943.81$82, Wright Centers of Innovation (Engineering ) $148,094,300.00$130,317,741.37$272,542,056.54$940,103, $100,476.28$44, Wright Mega-Center of Innovation $59,999,086.00$31,669,227.99$84,044,056.31$260,939, $159,141.85$68, Wright Projects $102,371,598.00$58,408,778.95$103,299,577.64$176,043, $110,205.24$52, Ohio Research Scholars Program $146,510,334.00$59,937,902.53$28,119,470.33$40,859, $425,091.51$69, Biomedical Cluster Program $12,968,360.00$1,729,121.57$2,390,986.71$6,589, $29,812.44$32, Medical Imaging Cluster Program $11,962,470.00$1,666,268.05$2,649,040.88$2,779, $29,543.76$48, Adv. Materials Cluster Program $14,579,672.00$2,750,116.37$3,765,537.07$14,990, $74,650.28$49, Sensors Cluster Program $8,977,738.00$3,457,186.31$3,916,389.56$2,105, $72,782.87$33, Adv. Energy Cluster Program $40,899,968.00$22,971,252.68$23,678,928.94$107,217, $97,335.82$40, Fuel Cell Cluster Program $51,286,139.00$42,775,447.63$32,930,177.57$184,732, $116,395.78$53, Photovoltaics Cluster Program $10,333,963.00$4,046,663.64$3,075,371.11$1,528, $149,876.43$29, Ohio Research Commercialization Grant Program $13,333,115.00$12,733,273.29$5,922,380.49$207,208, $41,748.44$59, Third Frontier Action Fund $18,582,863.00$17,342,876.96$32,335,323.42$138,494, $40,426.29$56, Pre-Seed and Seed Funds $64,286,032.00$42,059,667.68$186,359,044.86$2,377,573, $10,522.81$55, Entrepreneurial Signature Program $115,486,477.00$87,488,420.27$54,208,969.05$1,157,581, $23,172.67$33, Grand Total $1,140,422,375$847,122,246$1,361,074,708$7,312,753,30914,568802**8.6$58,150$61,957 * Expenditure for endowment is recorded once a research scholar has been hired. **Adjusted to eliminate duplication of company data by collaborating programs