Hey, Pilgrims. Hey, Pilgrims, we’ll tell your tale.
To journey to your Freedom, your ship set sail… set sail.
A long time ago a group of people decided to leave their homes in England to look for Freedom & a better life.
They packed their belongings, said Good-bye, And set sail for a new world called America.
These people were the Pilgrims.
Hey, Pilgrims. Hey, Pilgrims, we’ll tell your tale.
To journey to your Freedom, your ship set sail… set sail.
More than a hundred people squeezed onto the tiny boat called the Mayflower.
The journey was long and very difficult!
Finally, after two months at sea, the Pilgrims reached America.
They found the place to build their new home, and called it Plymouth.
Hey, Pilgrims. Hey, Pilgrims, we’ll tell your tale.
To journey to your Freedom, your ship set sail… set sail.
The first winter in America was so harsh that many Pilgrims became ill,
…and many did not survive.
When the Spring arrived, a Native American came to greet the Pilgrims.
Soon others followed. They were peaceful and helped the Pilgrims in many ways.
Hey, Pilgrims. Hey, Pilgrims, we’ll tell your tale.
To journey to your Freedom, your ship set sail… set sail.
In the late Autumn the Pilgrims and Native Americans joined together…
…in a feast to celebrate the good harvest.
To remember that time of gratitude, we continue to celebrate the feast today.
We call it Thanksgiving!
Hey, Pilgrims. Hey, Pilgrims.
We’ll tell your tale.
To journey to your Freedom
…your ship set sail,
set sail…
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!