Chiral Symmetries and Low Energy Searches for New Physics M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Caltech Wisconsin-Madison
Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History What were the fundamental symmetries that governed the microphysics of the early universe? Were there additional (broken) chiral symmetries? What insights can low energy (E << M Z ) precision electroweak studies provide? How does the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD the affect low energy search for new symmetries?
Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ?
Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Puzzles the Standard Model can’t solve 1.Origin of matter 2.Unification & gravity 3.Weak scale stability 4.Neutrinos What are the symmetries (forces) of the early universe beyond those of the SM?
What are the new fundamental symmetries? Two frontiers in the search Collider experiments (pp, e + e -, etc) at higher energies (E >> M Z ) Indirect searches at lower energies (E < M Z ) but high precision High energy physics Particle, nuclear & atomic physics CERNUltra cold neutronsLarge Hadron ColliderLANSCE, NIST, SNS, ILL
What are the new fundamental symmetries? Why is there more matter than antimatter in the present universe? What are the unseen forces that disappeared from view as the universe cooled? What are the masses of neutrinos and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe? Electric dipole moment & dark matter searches Precision electroweak: weak decays & e - scattering Neutrino interactions & 0 -decay Tribble report
Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Cosmic Energy Budget ? Baryogenesis: When? SUSY? Neutrinos? CPV? WIMPy D.M.: Related to baryogenesis? “New gravity”? Grav baryogenesis? Weak scale baryogenesis can be tested experimentally
What is the origin of baryonic matter ? Cosmic Energy Budget Baryons Dark Matter Dark Energy Searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of the neutron, electron, and neutral atoms probe new CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem What are the quantitative implications of new EDM experiments for explaining the origin of the baryonic component of the Universe ? BBN WMAP Chiral odd SU(2) L x U(1) Y invariant for >> M weak SM CPV Yukawa suppressed Beyond SM CPV may not be (e.g., SUSY)
EDM Probes of New CP Violation f d SM d exp d future CKM If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? Also 225 Ra, 129 Xe, d
Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition Is it viable? Can experiment constrain it? How reliably can we compute it? 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Joyce, Prokopec, Turok Theoretical Issues: Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT) Bubble dynamics (numerical) Strength of phase transition (Higgs sector) EDMs: many-body physics & QCD Scale Hierarchy: Expand in energy & time scale ratios Cirigliano, Lee, R-M
Baryogenesis & Dark Matter: SUSY Supersymmetry Charginos, neutralinos FermionsBosons sfermions gauginos Higgsinos
Baryogenesis & Dark Matter: SUSY Neutralino Mass Matrix M1M1 -- M2M2 -m Z cos sin W m Z cos cos W m Z sin sin W -m Z sin sin W - -m Z cos sin W m Z cos cos W m Z sin sin W -m Z sin sin W M N = Chargino Mass Matrix M2M2 M C = T << T EW : mixing of H,W to ~~ ~~ T ~T EW : scattering of H,W from background field ~~ T ~ T EW CPV B W H d H u BINOWINOHIGGSINO T << T EW
EDM constraints & SUSY CPV AMSB: M 1 ~ 3M 2 Neutralino-driven baryogenesis BaryogenesisLEP II ExclusionTwo loop d e Cirigliano, Profumo, R-M SUGRA: M 2 ~ 2M 1 | sin | > 0.02 | d e, d n | > e-cm M < 1 TeV
Dark Matter: Future Experiments Cirigliano, Profumo, R-M Assuming CDM
Precision Ewk Probes of New Symmetries Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Unseen Forces: Supersymmetry ? 1.Unification & gravity 2.Weak scale stability 3.Origin of matter 4.Neutrinos
Weak decays & new physics -decay New physics SUSY Flavor-blind SUSY- breaking CKM, (g-2) M W, M t,… Kurylov, R-M RPV 12k 1j1 No long-lived LSP or SUSY DM MWMW R Parity Violation CKM Unitarity APV l2 Kurylov, R-M, Su CKM unitarity ? See Moulson, Cirigliano
Weak decays & SUSY SUSY Correlations Non (V-A) x (V-A) interactions: m e /E -decay at SNS,“RIAcino”?
Weak decays & SUSY : Correlations SUSY loop-induced operators with mixing between L,R chiral supermultiplets Yukawa suppressed L-R mixing: “alignment” models Large L-R mixing: New models for SUSY-breaking Future exp’t ? Profumo, R-M, Tulin
Pion leptonic decay & SUSY A non-zero NEW would shift F SM radiative corrections important for precise F Holstein, Marciano & Sirlin RPV SUSY
Pion leptonic decay & SUSY Leading QCD uncertainty: Marciano & Sirlin Probing Slepton Universality vs New TRIUMF, PSI Min (GeV) Tulin, Su, R-M Prelim Can we do better on ?
Lepton Scattering & New Symmetries Parity-Violating electron scattering “Weak Charge” ~ sin 2 W ~ 0.1
Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions SUSY loops Kurylov, Su, MR-M is Majorana RPV 95% CL fit to weak decays, M W, etc. 12k SUSY dark matter
Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions SUSY dark matter Kurylov, R-M, Su SUSY loops RPV 95% CL E158 &Q- Weak JLab Moller Linear collider “DIS Parity” SUSY dark matter
Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Neutrinos ? Are they their own antiparticles? Why are their masses so small? Can they have magnetic moments? Implications of m for neutrino interactions ? LFV & LNV ?
Neutrino Mass & Magnetic Moments How large is ? Experiment: < ( ) B e scattering, astro limits Radiatively-induced m < B Dirac e < B Majorana Bell, Cirigliano, Gorshteyn,R-M, Vogel, Wang, Wise Davidson, Gorbahn, Santamaria Both operators chiral odd
Muon Decay & Neutrino Mass 3/4 0 3/4 1 TWIST (TRIUMF)
Correlations in Muon Decay & m Model Independent Analysis constrained by m Model Dependent Analysis First row CKM 2005 Global fit: Gagliardi et al. Prezeau, Kurylov 05 Erwin, Kile, Peng, R-M 06 m MPs Also -decay, Higgs production Constraints on non-SM Higgs production at ILC: m, and decay corr
Neutrino Mass & - decay How do we compute & separate heavy particle exchange effects? Light M : 0 -decay rate may yield scale of m
Neutrino Mass & - decay 4 quark operator: low energy EFT How do we compute & separate heavy particle exchange effects?
Neutrino Mass & - decay Prezeau, R-M, & Vogel L (q,e) = Chiral properties of O j ++ determine p-dependence of K K NN, K NNNN K ~ O (p 0 ) K ~ O (p 2 ) No W R - W L mixing W R - W L mix RPV SUSY
Conclusions Low energy probes of physics beyond the SM give us a unique window on the fundamental symmetries of the early universe that complements direct searches for new physics at colliders These symmetries - including broken chiral symmetries - are needed to explain the origin of matter, provide for stability of the electroweak scale, incorporate new forces implied by unification, and account for the properties of neutrinos The broken chiral symmetry of QCD also provides an important tool for sharpening Standard Model predictions for low energy observables and making any deviations interpretable in terms of new symmetries