Looking at men can discourage us ✶ Corruption of leaders ✶ Sinfulness of society ✶ Weakness of brethren
Look at Christ with awe, Rev. 5:12 ✶ Appreciate for wisdom ✶ Reverence for holiness ✶ Love for mercy & sacrifice ✶ Praise for provisions & power
Feeding the 5,000, Mk. 6:30-44 ✶ Return & rest, Mk. 6:30-32 ✶ People followed, Mk. 6:33, 34 ✶ Miraculous feeding, Mk. 6:35-44 Lesson for disciples Greatness of it, Mt. 14:21; Jn. 6:14
Why seek Christ? ✶ Miracle worker, Lk. 23:6-8 ✶ Healer, Mk. 6:53-56 ✶ Material, Jn. 6:24-27 ✶ Social, Jn. 9:19-23 ✶ Spiritual?
What to expect from Christ ✶ Compassion, Mk. 6:34; Lk. 15:20 ✶ Super-abundant blessings, Mk. 6:42, 43 Spiritual life, Jn. 10:10 All your need, Phil. 4:19
Jesus had power over nature, Mk. 6:45-52 ✶ Disciples set sail, Mk. 6:45 ✶ Jesus prayed, Mk. 6:46 ✶ Walked on sea, Mk. 6:47-52 ✶ Fear, Mk. 6:49, 50 ✶ Hardness, Mk. 6:52
Storms of life, Mt. 7:24-27 ✶ Before: may not see coming ✶ During: test of faith, Mt. 14:28-31 ✶ After: confirm faith, Heb. 12:3-11
The Lord’s power for us, Phil. 4:13 ✶ Sees our struggles, Mk. 6:48 ✶ Will not abandon, Heb. 13:5, 6 ✶ Ability to get us through, Rom. 8:31-39
Do not harden your heart, Heb. 3:7-19 ✶ Trial in the wilderness ✶ Learn to trust & obey God ✶ Beware the deceitfulness of sin