CHEMISTRY FORM 3 (Mauritius)
OBJECTIVES At the end of the class, students should be able to: - recall about elements and compounds - Use the periodic table to search for elements - Find the uses of carbon dioxide, Helium, nitrogen, oxygen - Use and move textboxes in Ms word
RECAP Can you give me some examples of gases. Where can we search for elements? What is the difference between elements and compounds? Have you ever heard of noble gases?
Using Wikipedia to organize the table Open the file “F3 Gases – question sheet” from the Worldspace directory. Task: You need to put textboxes of the element or compound on the same horizontal line Use the Wikepedia encyclopedia website for your task
GUIDE Search for the element or compound Read the encyclopedia text Try to find out its use Note down important points Discuss with your friends about the probable answers You need to click on the shortcuts at the bottom of the screen to shift between the ‘internet explorer’ and ‘microsoft word’ screens
(Match the following) GASES Nitrogen Helium Carbon dioxide Oxygen
Answer Open the file “F3 Gases – answer sheet” for the answer. Correction of exercise HOMEWORK: To search for the uses of ammonia gas