The suitable, skilled people who are available to be chosen to do a particular job.
Talent pools, also known as acceleration pools, are groups of high-performing, high- potential employees who are being developed to assume greater responsibility in a particular area. They form the basis of best-practice talent pool-based succession planning.
Talents may be - artistic - technical - mental - physical - personal - social. Your talents need not be profitable, useful, or conventional, but they will always be your own, a part of what makes you into you.
talent is obvious and people do utilize it in their life and work talent is lost because it is difficult to recognize. Talent can be cultivated and enhanced. It is not always recognized. Sometimes …………………….
Build those talents into skills and abilities …. it might take some work…………….. go about it creatively and you will explore your natural abilities and find your innate talents. Learn to look for your talents in the right places
Some practical exercises to explore your talents First of all, consider your answers to the following questions: When have you been most committed, passionate and enthusiastic? When have you been most creative? When have you been most sure of yourself and your decisions? What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? When have other people considered you to be most successful? When have you enjoyed your work most? What talents were you relying on, and using, in these situations? For what would you take a very strong stand? What about the world puzzles or disturbs you that you could make an impact on? What jobs do you like to do when you have a choice? What activities are you drawn towards? If money were no concern, what would you be doing? Brainstorm each of these questions, and then use your answers to identify the top 3 talents that you most use when you're successful. Rank these in order.
Getting Career Inspiration Start with your subject Expand your career knowledge Read career guides Examine vacancies Focus on skills Focus on a subject Focus on a sector Keep doing it Getting help
The process of finding career direction is a journey. Start with discovering the essential "you”. Explore and identify a career that allows you to make good use of your talents. Move on with a focused job or career move, and put yourself in the best possible position to get them. This journey never really ends because work itself is all about change, growth, development, and reinvention.
Exploring possibilities Research can be helpful Consider: Social and Demographic Trends Technology Trends Global Market Place Trends Environment Trends It may be advisable and more useful to research a sector rather than a specific occupation.
A sector is a cluster of occupations which are: - similar in skill sets, values and interests - multiple due to different levels such as entry, technical, technological, professional and managerial. Banking, securities, commodities investment, real estate, rental and leasing services.
Never give up. Your future is in your hands.
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