Team 5 Good to Great Technology Accelerators
Hedgehog Concept 1. What can you be the best in the world at. 2. What best drives your economic engine. 3. What are you passionate about. What its about? The hedgehogs concept focuses financially on increasing profit per customer visit.
Technology and The Hedgehog The Walgreens Example Spent $400 million to invest in Intercom in the late 1970’s -the investment included $100 million in satellites Used this technology to accelerate momentum after hitting a breakthrough. In every good-to-great case, we found technological sophistication and application of carefully selected technologies.
Technology as an Accelerator, Not a creator of momentum Good to great companies never pioneered technologies You need to know which technology is relevant before using it They are relevant when they are linked directly with the three circles of the Hedgehog concept Technology alone cannot create sustainable great results You have to stick to your hedgehog concept or else technology cannot make you great by itself
The Technology Trap Many Good-to-Great leaders credit the success to management, not technology Don’t put technology 1 st “Technology cannot turn a good enterprise into a great one, nor by itself prevent disaster.” Vietnam War
Technology and The Fear Of Being Left Behind “Those who build and perpetuate mediocrity, in contrast, are motivated more by the fear of being left behind” How did good-to-great companies maintain such a balanced perspective on technology??
It’s not about the Tech! No technology can make you a level 5 No technology can make you a culture of discipline and protect you from the brutal facts of reality It’s the Fundamentals and Balance!!!
What you must remember Use of technology must be coherent with your Hedgehog Concept Technology must be an accelerator of momentum, a tool to become great If you need to use technology you must be the pioneer in the application of the technology Technology for it-self doesn’t make you good to great