LIVING WITHIN OUR MEANS – ADULT SOCIAL CARE John Bolton Interim Executive Director
The financial crisis in Walsall Adult Social Care We are currently overspending about £4.9 million – and the amount is going up We have to find a further £7 million savings for next year 2
The diagnosis We have too many people in unfunded posts or things we are doing without proper budget provision We have allowed the Dom Care market prices to rise excessively this year - £2.5 million We have savings we have not delivered in both mental health and learning disabilities We are giving excessive packages of care to some people – long term packages don’t appear to promote independence – the assessment culture
The Solution – for us Get the operational model to work – Ensure people get the right help at point of referral – not rush them into the system – Get the reablement service up to establishment and delivering 75% of people not needing more care – Get reablement to take more risky cases from hospital – Only use intermediate care beds – get therapies and social work to support move on – When older people are ill they will probably get better
Continue to find purposeful interventions that promote independence In mental health services – recovery model – reduce use of respite and crisis beds In learning disability stronger focus on promoting independence – some new ideas In Older People with dementia – better evidence base about what works and a more developed care pathway
Some rules No manager has any authority to spend money not in their budget – managers must ensure we still meet our employment responsibilities Don’t use temporary beds to make an easy solution We are exploring high cost packages of care We are exploring more ways to help people be creative – what happened to Personal Budgets and new solutions? We need a better trained workforce to get this right
Wider engagement with partners With whom should we build stronger links? – Neighbourhoods – Voluntary Sector – Health Services – Housing Services – DISCUSS
Remember We spend about: £11 million on prevention £8 million on assessment and care management staff and support £10 million on in-house services £55 million on procured/commissioned services From where should we take money?
What are your solutions? If you are going to be a manager in adult social care for the next 5 + years these are the issues you will face every day of every year! If you don’t want to or cant do it …….. How do you suggest we reduce our £4 million overspend in this year?
AND NEXT YEAR….. Reduced staffing Reduced budgets No apprentices, quality team, New legislation Challenge of health integration? Questions on this? 10
What will/should our operating model deliver? Reduce demand for residential care (older people) by £1/2 million Reduce demand for domiciliary care (older people) by £1/2 million through reablement Reduce domiciliary care through introducing time-monitoring scheme – £½ million Reduce need for some staff/managers at front end
Which other budgets can be reduced? Review of all staffing to take out 20% of current levels (with “preventive services” protected) Joint Commissioning Unit 3 posts Mental Health Services 5 posts Access, Assessment & Care Management 29 posts Provider Services (including Quality Team) 11 posts Strategic Development 6 posts £2 million proposed saving Where possible using vacancies and voluntary redundancies to achieve reductions.
What can we do differently? Broadway North – close residential unit Decommission (parts) of Housing 21 Contract Review Day Care for Adults with LD Review Extra Care Housing Review Low Level Commissioned Services What don't we have to do? Recruitability Apprenticeships £2.0 million proposed savings
What scope for charging? Impact of social care bill and charging cap What else can we do? Review base budget Absorb current costs into new DH grant – spend on exiting services £1.4 million proposed savings
Peer Review Findings Impressed with operational model and general level of ownership BUT Some people don't yet understand it – more to do with longer term teams (incl reviews) Would like to see more engagement with staff; stakeholders; voluntary sector; community; users and carers in taking forward 17
Peer Review (2) Need a medium term financial strategy and a business plan to take forward financial challenges Can we deal with increasing pressures and demands of the new Care Bill? Can we work closer with Health to find further solutions? 18
Some detailed comments Financial assessment should not be completed before support plan Need more Direct Payments to promote social inclusion especially for carers Need stronger links with Area Partnerships Examine workloads (and efficiency) of Complex Teams – including waiting lists Pressures in mental health services 19
Conclusions New Operating Model the right approach and places the Council in a better position to meet the financial challenges. 20