The Local Offer Julie Hicklin and Maureen Howell
Slide 2 Draft Code of Practice Early identification of needs High expectations and aspirations for what children and young people can achieve Focus on outcomes The views and participation of children, young people and their parent/carer are central Choice and control for young people and parents Education, health and social care partners collaborate Clarity of roles and responsibilities High quality provision The skills, knowledge and attitude of staff are central to achieving excellent outcomes Code of Practice Principles
Slide 3 Draft Code of Practice – LocalOffer Local Authorities must publish, in one place, information about provision they expect to be available for children and young people from 0-25 who have SEN. Key purposes: To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available; and To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with SEN, parents and carers and service providers in its development and review. Code of Practice – the Local Offer
Slide 4 Draft Code of Practice It is intended to help local authorities improve provision. It should not simply be a directory of existing services. It should be: Engaging Accessible Transparent and comprehensive Code of Practice – the Local Offer
Slide 5 Draft Code of Practice It must include information about: Education, health and care provision (including information about quality and destinations/outcomes achieved) Arrangements for identifying/assessing SEN and requesting an EHC plan Other educational provision Training/Apprenticeships School and college transport/travel Support available between phases of education Sources of information, advice and support Arrangements for making complaints, resolution of disagreements, mediation and appeals. Code of Practice – the Local Offer
Manchester Local Offer Has been developed by multi agency Local Offer group, including parents Is located on Manchester Family Service Directory Categories: -Education, training and work- Money -Getting involved- Short breaks -Health- Things to do -Law and your rights- Travel and transport -Where to get help
Parents’ views… Information needs to be accessible and transparent How school ensures staff have knowledge of disability/SEN How to apply for a place Arrangements for handing over/collecting child Accessibility of premises Section Heading Section Subheading Slide 7
Next steps Template for schools to complete Ideas / want to get involved / questions? Contact: Julie Hicklin Section Heading Section Subheading Slide 8