An introduction to Support Services for Education (SSE) September 2015 Our Vision To improve the outcomes for all children and young people by working in partnership with others.
What is SSE? A newly formed internal trading unit within SCC providing a variety of support services for Education. –Non-profit making –Gross expenditure budget for 2015/16 of approx. £20m –Circa 300 staff Its creation supported the following County Plan targets for –Better Schools providing better results for our children –Work more effectively with partners for a smaller, leaner and more customer focused public sector
Vision and values SSEs vision is to… ‘improve outcomes for all children and young people by working in partnership with others’ Values… Prioritising Children and Young people Quality, Standards, Value and Efficiency Customer Service Valuing our staff
SSE Services Working as One -Education Improvement -Governor Services -eLIM -Narrowing the Gap (TES, EAL) -Somerset Outdoor Residential Learning Service -Resources for Learning -Somerset Music -Admissions and Entitlements -Education Welfare- Commercial Development -Human Resources -Education Financial Services -Contract Support -Health and Safety -SCIL -Educational Psychology -Somerset Total Communication -Autism and Comms -Learning, Sensory, Physical/Medical
Funding/Customers Local Authority – Commissioners 10% of SSE income Statutory responsibilities Raising educational achievement Children’s Social Care Ofsted inspection LA School Improvement Ofsted inspection Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) - LA Commissioners and key school representatives 40% of SSE income As above and below, where economies of scale exist from using DSG rather than delegating resources to each school. Traded income - schools/academies, EY settings, parents, external orgs 50% of SSE income Raising educational achievement and outcomes for young people Individual School Ofsted inspections
Customer Focus Access to services Speed of response Quality of service Knowledge of the customer’s business Value for money Clear contribution to educational outcomes Transfer of worry/risk Diverse Education system Increased expectations for good/outstanding education provision Financial pressures Smarter commissioners with high expectations Mobile working
Results of recent customer survey 58 different schools responded (77% LA Maintained 23% Academy) 89% rated Educational Effectiveness services good/outstanding 95% rated SEN Support services good/outstanding 97% rated Enrichment and Entitlement services good/outstanding 95% rated Business Services good/outstanding
Priorities driven by values Prioritising Children and Young people Clear understanding of how SSE service provision adds value for all our customers and makes a difference to school improvement and educational outcomes Commitment to apprenticeships and work experience opportunities for young people Quality, Standards, Value and Efficiency IIP accreditation Collaboration with appropriate Strategic Alliances/Partnerships Continually review our processes to drive high standards of service delivery Robustly challenge planned price increases Incremental innovation driven by staff Optimise our use of technology as a tool to provide better services to customers Reduction in our carbon footprint – travel, paper
Priorities driven by values Customer Service One stop shop for Education Support Services Further development of SSE website and information on services available. Continued development of SSTEP School Account Manager and central consolidation of customer feedback. Ensure customer feedback drives service development Continue to increase integration of SSE services and staff ability to signpost and support customers. Valuing our Staff Increased training budget that supports our training and development policy and training matrix requirements Improve recognition of staff achievements Newsletter that keeps staff informed and celebrates success Engagement of staff in action planning
Support Services to Education providers (SSTEP) Catalogue of support services available through the Somerset Learning Platform (SLP) Services for purchase from Somerset County Council, Southwest One, and some other providers. Description of core statutory services also provided. Online ordering system with history and reports available to view online. Invoiced termly for services purchased Packages can be ordered at any time, although ordering window is March – April Contact Sue Wheatley in SSE on
Information Packs available providing further information on the support services available from SSE. Questions ?