Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión AMP issues in TJ-II Francisco L Tabares Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion CIEMAT. Madrid
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Outline -The TJ-II Stellarator. Present status -Atomic and Molecular Processes of interest -Atomic/molecular beam studies -Li transport modelling -Active Beam CX Spectroscopy -Others -Possible AMP devoted studies
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Heliac Stellarator 4 periods Plasmas ECRH : 600kW,52.6 GHz NBI:500 kW, 40 KeV BT=1 T R=1.5 m = cm Vol Plasma ~ 1m 3 P 0 = mbar Low Z scenarios : - 2 Graphite Limiters - First Wall Boronization - Full Lithium Coating Plasmas in TJ-II Large improvement on Plasma Parameters & Density Control
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Supersonic He Beam
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland DB Not yet complete Large uncertainties for n=0 electron coupling 728 nm affected Triplet relaxation time? Test of self-consistency: Reconstruction of emission profiles from deduced n, Te values Other levels? CX processes? DB Not yet complete Large uncertainties for n=0 electron coupling 728 nm affected Triplet relaxation time? Test of self-consistency: Reconstruction of emission profiles from deduced n, Te values Other levels? CX processes?
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Validation of the CR model Thesis A. Hidalgo Oct. 2006
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Ion Temperature (+ plasma rotation) from a He Beam Only relative vales obtained Other ion loss processes? A CR model allows for absolute Ti estimates Fran Guzman, PhD Thesis 2008 Potential Application to other species injected by At. beam: need of Excitation, Ionization data. F.L. Tabares et al. Rev Sci Instr. 2010, HTPD Proc.
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland M Goto et al. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2002 HeI nm HeII nm - Continuity eq. for He+: He + (r)= He(r).n e. iz /L(r) - Ne, Te ( ) from He beam -L(r) includes all possible losses for He + -Deduced values of L(r) too large!!! -Same discrepancy seen by Nishijima et al in Pisces A He plasmas L(r) = S(r).I 667 /I 468.(S CR 667 /S CR 468 )
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland 1) CH 4 +e - (H + ) 2) CH 4 +e - CH*(a) E kin CH (b) E kin 3) CH+e - (H + ) CH + 4) CH+e - CH* Products (neutral) Products (ion) + Proton Reactions + Diss.excitation CH (K 4 )+K 2a (Behringer JNM1990) + Experimental ne,Te profiles Contribuition of 2 a) negigible MB studies: HC’s, DC’s, H 2,D 2 Reaction chain of methane molecules CH 4 (Erhardt/ Langer): CH 4 + CH 4 CH 3 + CH 3 CH 2 CH C CH 2 + CH + C+C+ C 2+
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Geometric convolution But: deduced velocities highly sensitive to ne at SOL!! beam Large variations of Te(a) D/H
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F.L. Tabarés et al. Alushta 2010 Int. Conference Sept Li sputtering yield in TJ-II 11 Deduced value in TJ-II very low But: C/B layer deposited previous to lithiation. . Material mixing effect?:. Same E th H and Li in He plasmas: No Li alone Detect HLi, BLi, CLi,…. Li =I 671.S/XB 671 H =I Ha.S/XB 656 Exptal Yield Li/H ~ !! Theoretic: ( 2/3 ions) Effect of molecules?
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Penetration of Li+ into the plasma F.L. TabarésSEWG High Z meeting, Liubliana, 1-2 Oct 2009 inner peripheral Constant Te Strong penetration of Li into the plasma at Te < 20/30 eV LiII simulations (L. Mendez et al) -Low E CX processes? Errea et al. Phys Rev A (2008) - e - excitation of LiII, LiIII?: S.D.Loch et al. ADNDT( 2006)
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Diagnostic Beam CXRS F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Standard: Monitoring C VI n= line ( A) from CX with H beam (30 keV) Recently:K,J, McCarthy et al, J. Phys. B 43 (2010) : Fast (28 keV) OV from NBI contamination (H 2 O) - Need for cross sections O ions (30 keV)+H +. Test with Ne injection Plans - Monitoring of HIBP ions: Cs +, Cs ++ - Cross sections Cs + +H +, e -, Z +, - Excitation of Cs ++ by e -, H + NBI Tails O V
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Other studies F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Scavenger injection for T control under CFC in ITER (Tabares et al. PPCF 2002) Based on C/N chemistry: Full inhibition of co-deposits in remote areas by ammonia injection Direct reaction of ammonia with C radicals demonstrated F.L. Tabares et al,Phys Rev Lett 2010 Also, ibid IAEA 2010 Characterization of C/N chemistry?? NHx, CNH, … NH 3 + CH 3 HCN + 2H 2 +H and NH 2 + CH 4 HCN + 2H 2 +H
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Li ( Na, Mg?) BEAM DIAGNOSTIC Thermal Li beam Detection : –Interference filter at (671±1) nm –16 channels PM array Movable reference inside the chamber for beam/optics alignment Beam allowed into the chamber only during plasma discharge Oven is heated up to T= °C Divergence=1° Beam size at measurement region = 1.7 cm (FWHM) =1940 m/s outside the plasma
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Vacuum chamber 1 Vacuum chamber 2 Excimer laser Dye laser Wavelength calibration Photomultiplier Oscilloscope TJ-II Control He beam +Laser Induced Fluorescence Test of CR model for He by LIF perturbation A. Hidalgo et al PPCF 2006
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Conclusions AMP of high relevance in TJ-II Urgent need of AM data : new wall, new diagnostics, new experiments!! Potential benchmarking of AM data in TJ-II More collaboration desirable
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión F. L. Tabarés 15th ADAS Workshop 3-6 Oct Armagh. North Ireland Thanks for your attention!!