Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night! Mrs. Huebner and Mr. Ross 5 th Grade
Introductions 12/1/2015copyright
Education and Work Experience 12/1/2015copyright
Behavior System Blue: Perfect day! Green: Good day. Yellow: Loss of recess. Red: Loss of recess, phone call home, visit with the principal 12/1/2015copyright
Core Subjects Mrs. Huebner: English/Language Arts: 90 min Science : 45 min Mr. Ross Math: 90 min Social Studies: 45 min 12/1/2015copyright
Homework Assigned daily (no more than 50 min) Assignment books signed as needed Assignments also noted on websites Missed assignments noted on homework calendar Parents sign homework calendar at the end of each week. 12/1/2015copyright
Ways we’re staying on track… 1.Study Island Practice 2.Websites 3.Universal Screenings 4. W.I.N. Time 5. Conference sign-ups 6. Mid-term reports 12/1/2015copyright
W.I.N Time 5 times a week 1:50-2:30 Students grouped based on needs Primarily reading instruction with enrichment and remediation 12/1/2015copyright
BYOD Personal devices to be used for educational purposes in classroom only Optional: School technology still available Starting in late September-early October Paperwork required (for wifi account) 12/1/2015copyright
BYOD Resources Please visit our websites for resources and the sign-up link. technology/byod/ technology/byod/ 12/1/2015copyright
12/1/2015copyright Communication Friday Folders (sign each test) Digital Backpack (Alburtis Website) Phone:(610) Website: Remind 101 updates
Volunteers See office for required forms Sign up sheet Room parents 12/1/2015copyright
Thank you for coming! Have a great night! 12/1/2015copyright