Vision The vision of the club is to share knowledge on electronic trading. The club is there to help connect people interested, as well as, to help contribute knowledge where everyone benefits. Electronic trading includes anything around algorithmic robotic trading to system design or manual mechanical trading ideas.
Purpose The intention of the club is to discuss the electronic trading and everything encompassing it. This includes Back testing Software to run Expert Advisors / Robots System Results New Ideas The intention is for club members to be able to both contribute and learn in a friendly open environment. The purpose is not for the club to become a lecturing environment run by 1 person but for all members to contribute. Any contributions towards the club will be used for the further development of the clubs purpose
Where we fit in Trading Discretionary Mechanical Fundamental Technical CANSLIM Value Fundamental Technical Falling Angels Chart Patterns Indicators Below NAV Manual Auto Other Depth Measurements Bid/Offer Analysis Not B/S or Price and Vol related Measurement Tools
Don’t want in the Club EGO – We are analysts/researchers. The answer comes down to the data, the results and your personal circumstances. Everyone has the right to choose what they take away from the knowledge. It is THEIR choice. Market calls – Everyone has their views on the market, we are not here to agree or disagree on what the (e.g.) central bank is doing, we are here to discuss systems and what the market conditions are and only how it applies to our systems.
What this club is not This club is not a course. This club is not a “How to trade” lesson. Is about The idea of this club is to be a platform for like minded system traders to discuss relevant ideas in the industry. This implies the actions you take are your responsibility, the knowledge you take is your responsibility
Structure The structure of the club can change as the members see fit, however, the initial structure will be as follows: 1 Specific topic is chosen The topic is discussed detailing research on it. The floor is open for discussion from the members. Some coding techniques using relevant software will be discussed 1 System is discussed The floor is open for further discussions on new ideas or questions on past topics or other system ideas. Ideally we would want to get some guest speakers in as well and the occasional get together outside the office.
Ideas for the club Examples of Possible Topics for the club 1 System Basics and Terminology 2 Cores of each system 3 Moving Averages 4 Where to get data 5 Trading software 6 Profit Factor 7 Equity Markets - Longs Only?
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