Classrooms and library Bathrooms Cafeteria Front of School /Entryway Hallway Courtyard and Playground During Assemblies
Be Safe Walk Use quiet voice Keep hands feet and objects to yourself Remain in assigned area Keep your area clean and neat
Be Responsible Come to class prepared (books, paper, pencil, etc.) Stay in your seat Raise your hand to speak Work quietly Stay on task Finish your work
Be Respectful Help others as directed by teacher Follow classroom procedures Respect and listen to others opinions and ideas
Be Safe Keep water off the floor and counters Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Do not climb or look into other stalls (give others privacy) Always wash hands before leaving and throw paper towels into the trash
Be Responsible Go to the bathroom quickly and go back to class Wash your hands Throw paper towels in the trash can
Be Respectful Keep bathroom neat and clean Speak quietly Allow others privacy
Be Safe Walk to and in the cafeteria Form a single line while waiting to be served Sit in your assigned table while eating Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself Throw away your empty food trays and trash
Be Responsible Clean up after yourself Throw all your trash away and at times the trash your peers may have left behind Keep food in the cafeteria and in designated areas Deposit money into your lunch account before school starts in the morning
Be Respectful Use inside voices Follow correct cafeteria procedures Do not take or give cuts Don’t forget to THANK the cafeteria ladies
Be Safe Use the crosswalks and watch for moving vehicles in the parking lot Please walk at all times when at school Do not ride your bikes or skateboards on campus Wear your helmets
Be Responsible Make sure you are in “Dress Code” compliance at all times Cell phones off All electronic devices should be left at home
Be Respectful Use appropriate language and voice for school Use appropriate volume in conversations at school (no yelling) Keep your hands to yourself
Be Safe Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself Walk on the right side of the hall Watch where you are going and with your arms at your sides No running and use appropriate voice levels Do not disturb students that are working in the hallway
Be Responsible Get to where you are going quickly Have your pass Follow the rules No food or drinks in the buildings except for plain water Do not disturb other classrooms
Be Respectful Speak quietly Walk Let people in the hall do their work Do not knock or look in doors and windows
Be Safe No horseplay at anytime Walk in the courtyard area Sit only on the benches (do not stand on tables and benches) Stay in your designated areas of the playground during lunch and before or after school
Be Responsible Throw your trash or any trash you may see on the ground away Clean up around your table in the courtyard
Be Respectful Treat others the way you want to be treated Report all bullying incidents to an adult immediately Immediately go to your designated area to line-up or go straight to class when the bell rings
Be Safe Walk in a straight line to and from Sit in the designated area, face forward, and put your hands in your lap Follow the directions of the adults Sit quietly and be a good audience No rude comments or gestures
Be Responsible Take your belongings and trash with you when you leave Enter and exit quietly and patiently Immediately go back to class when dismissed from the assembly
Be Respectful Congratulate others when they are presenting or being awarded Make only positive noises –applause and cheering are appropriate Be silent when someone is speaking or presenting No talking with your neighbors
Be Safe Do not leave your backpacks by the classroom doors before, during, or after- school (we are not babysitters of your belongings) Keep backpacks to yourself Keep backpacks in the designated classroom area stated by your teacher
Be Responsible Supervise your backpack at all times Keep your backpack clean and organized
Be Respectful Follow classroom procedures for backpack use during class time/instruction