Transparency in the Central West Electricity Regional Energy Market Office of Energy Regulation (DTe) MINI FORUM Paul Giesbertz
3 Current initiatives & developments Roadmap (B, F & NL): harmonized transparency ‘wish-list’ Guidelines for Good Practice (GGP) on Information Management and Transparency in Electricity Markets Congestion Management Guidelines: new transparency requirements on TSOs (implicitly also on market particpants) Market initiatives: EEX/main German producers, APX/Eurelectric/EnergieNed,….
4 ROADMAP B, F and NL: transparency goal : regulators will publish of transparency ’wish-list’ containing detailed transparency items List to be interpreted as a target level of transparency to be implemented by the three countries List is based on best practices in the three countries as well as best practise/wishes mentioned by contributors of the roadmap consultation TSO – TSO transparency in order to enhance capacity calculation two routes: –Publication of more details on cross-border lines in general (available for market participants as well as neighbouring TSOs) –Exchange of confidential information between TSOs needed to perform adequate capacity calculation (issue on pentalateral forum)
5 ERGEG’s Guidelines of Good Practice Draft Guidelines are being finalized regarding: –System Load - Load per Control Area –Transmission and Access to Interconnections –Generation –Balancing –Information from the Wholesale Markets The Guidelines: –Set out ERGEG’s views on the required level of transparency that shall at the minimum be in place across the European market; –Are intended to give a minimum set of rules required for the organisation of information and its dissemination across the European market; –Set out general principles governing information release, either through publication or through information released to market participants on request. The public consultation was held between 15th March 2006 and 10th May 2006 Future steps (foreseen at this moment): –Advice to the EC –Consider practical and immediate implementation possibilities within the ERGEG Regional Initiatives.
6 Congestion Management Guidelines New binding legislation under Regulation 1228/2003 Formal adoption will take place after the holiday break Chapter 5 transparency: new transparency requirements on TSOs and implicitly on market participants Directly binding after formal adoption A selection of the additional transparency requirements: –TSOs shall publish all relevant data related to network availability, network access and network use –TSO shall publish as closely as possible to real time: aggregated realised commercial physical flows, by market time unit, including a description effects of any corrective actions taken by the TSOs curtailment) for solving network or system problems; –TSOs shall publish ex-ante information on planned outages and aggregated ex-post information for the previous day on planned and unplanned outages of generation units larger than 100 MW. –The TSO shall publish the relevant information on forecast demand and on generation according to various timeframes. The TSO shall also publish the relevant information necessary for the cross-border balancing market.
7 Transparency Objectives CWE REM Implementation roadmap Common ‘wish-list’ for the whole region Market initiatives –Which initiatives exist? –Advantages/disadvantages self regulation? –Need for extension?